How do you know each other

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2 weeks later

Shawn POV

It's been 2 weeks since the kidnaping shit. And to be honest things aren't going well with Mia. Mia hasn't left the house since the incident, Mia says she's lazy but I know that's not the case. She's just scared and I know it, it hurts knowing my baby girl is scared. I will forever protect her and I want her to know that.

I was currently at Mia's house laying in bed wrong her head against my chest. She's so beautiful everything about her really. Mia has everything I want in a girl, she's funny, sexy, feisty, kind and let's not forget sarcastic.

Mia stirred in her sleep and moved to the other side of the bed. I felt so empty without her, I felt all the warmth drain from my body and to be replaced with coldness. I scooted next to her and wrapped my arms around her. I heard a phone was Mia's.

Me being the over protective boyfriend I am checked her phone. It was a message from her friend holly.

It read

Holly: hey boo I'll be at your around 10 beach time girl.

Yes!!! Mia will finally leave her house. I jumped on her bed which made her groan.

" Who ever the fuck you are stop" she mumbled, I chuckled and moved the strands of loose hair that was covering her neck. I trailed kisses down her neck making he moan. She tilted her neck giving me more access. I whispered huskily in her ear

"Mia babe were going to the beach with holly get up babe" she stuck up her middle finger and pulled up her covers over her head.

I chuckled once again at her behavior. I pulled down the covers and threw Mia over my shoulders. Damn she's light as a feather.

"Shawn let me down or I'll stop kissing you for a week" I quickly put her down. Mia was smirking, I narrowed my eyes playfully.

" I got you wrapped around my finger" she said heading towards the bathroom.

"What was that" I pretended to bot know what she had said.

"Oh nothing" she said innocently.

"Thought so" I smirked she simply rolled her eyes and shut the bathroom door.

I chuckled shaking my head she sure us something. I felt my phone vibrate. I looked to see it was Alex who was calling.


A-"good morning to you too"

S- "sorry man, so what's up"

A- "just wanted to say that we shipped the last of our drugs and we got the money.

S- "good, we got any more orders"

A-"nah man that's the last of it"

S- "alright call me if there's another shipment"

A- alright

With that I hung up, damn how long does it take girls to get ready. I started playing subway surfers on my phone. I heard the door open to reveal a VERY hot Mia. She was waring a strapless neon green bikini, with white Hollister flip flops.

My anger building up knowing she'll attract attention from guys.

"So how do I loo-" I cut her off

"CHANGE" I demanded/yelled. She crossed her arms above her chest and said

"No" in seconds I had her pinned to the wall with her arms above her head.

"Mia please do as I say and change" she shook her head no, and looked straight in my eyes.

"Fine, whatever let's just go" I sighed in defeat. She smirked in victory and grabbed her beach bag. I was about to head out until she stopped me.

"Um what are you waring" I looked down I was waring black skinny jeans, black v neck shirt, and my Jordan's.

"Clothes" I said in a 'duh' tone.

She bent down under her bed, that ass though and she had blue beach shorts for...guys.

"Who's is this" I asked anger building knowing it was another guys shorts.

"Calm down it's my cousins, he stayed for the summer last year and her forgot it" I sighed in relief and pecked her lips. She smiled and I mimicked her actions.


God, I really didn't want to go. I'm really scared to tell you the truth. I was in Shawn's car with holly in the back seat.


I stepped out of the car, with shawn right beside me. He wrapped his warm arm around me.

The hot sand went in between my toes. Shawn would tighten his grip any time a guy would walk pass me. Over protective much?!?!

I choose a spot and set my towel, I put my stuff down and later on my stomach.

"Babe I'll be back just gotta go change, please be carful" I nodded smiling. He smiled back and left.

"Mia??" I looked up to see Brandon, wow I almost forgot about him.

"Oh hey Brandon, long time no see" I said smiling. She smiled and sat down next to me.

"Yeah haha so how's it going" he said chuckling a bit.

"Good how abo-" I was cut off by shawn

"Brandon???" Shawn said shocked anger laced in his voice. Brandon down stood up.

"Shawn???" He said also shocked and angry.

How the hell do they know each other??? And do I even wanna know.


Ooo it's getting crazy lol how do they know each other???

Are they related

Old friends



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