Green eyes

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Shawn POV

So it's been a year since Mia left me and let's just say, things changed since she left.

I've been sleeping around mostly, I've completely lost my soft side for good. Mia was the only one to see that and to get it out of me. My gang and I are now huge and are at the top of the most wanted list. We decided we need a break on the gang shit and have a break, we have no one on to us because

1- we owe no money to no one

2- where basically feared by everyone

I'm currently moving to California with my parents. They said we need more 'family time' I just think that's plain bullshit.

******************skip the plane ride

"Where here son get up and help your old man" said my dad while stepping out of the car. I sighed and got out.

I looked at my surroundings, it was pretty nice so far, and hot. I took off my leather jacket and threw it through the car window. Score.

I helped my dad bring the boxes in while my mother took pictures of the house. I laughed and continued picking up the boxes.

I asked my dad if their was anymore boxes he said no and I headed inside the house.

"There's still 2 more boxes son" said my dad, I was now pissed.

"You said there was no more make up your mind already" I shouted letting my anger now getting the best of me.

"Don't get loud with me now shawn" my dad said sternly. I just nodded, it's my fault actually I shouldn't scream at him he wasn't like those fathers that left there kids and wives , he was a man that kept his word and was always there when my mum or I needed him.

"Sorry dad" I mumbled, he patted my back.

"It's alright son now go" he said chuckling slightly.

******************* 7:45

I was in my room on my laptop looking through my Facebook. I should really delete this shit, I mostly have girls begging for another round if you know what I mean.

There was a knock on my door, I got up and opened to see my mom dressed all fancy. I groaned knowing she'll drag me with. She laughed and said

"Hurry up and get dressed the neighbors invited us for dinner" I nodded and she walked away. I shut the door and went straight towards my closet.

I put on a grey button up shirt, and black skinny jeans. I headed downstairs to see my parents eating each others faces off. I fake gagged which caused them to pull away. My mother blushed as my father chuckled.

"Let's go" my mother said grabbing her purse and heading out the door, I followed.

Ding dong

My father rang the bell as I stood their with my hands in my pocket wishing for it to be over.

The door opened to see a lady around her 30s. She smiled warmly at us.

"Hi, you must be the new neighbors please come in" she said cheerfully motioning us to come in.

"Thank you for inviting us what a lovely home" piped my mother

"It's lovely indeed" my father said looking around the house. My mother glared at me, wanting me to say something.

"Uhhh...yeah it's...nice" I said scratching the back of my head.

The lady just laughed and said thank you.

My mum was talking with the lady in the kitchen and my dad was having a conversation with I'm guessing her husband. While I just sat there bored out of my mind.

"Dinners ready" my mum said. I got up and headed towards the table to see every one seated.

"Excuse me, my daughter should be here any min-" she was cut off by the door opening to see the most beautiful girl ever.

"Sorry I'm lat-SHAWN" she screamed in shocked. I stared at her confused than looked in her green eyes. Those eyes...wait....

"MIA" I all but screamed.

We just stood there staring at each other. Fear, shock, anger, and something else swarmed through her eyes.

It broke my heart knowing she feared me. A cough broke our intense gaze.

"Well it seems you two know each other" said im guessing her mother.

"I got to go" said Mia than ran upstairs.

"Me to" I than ran out the door straight home.

What the fuck just happened. A billion thoughts were running through my head.

'Was she happy to see me'

'Does she have a boyfriend'

'Does she still love me'

All I know is I finally found her, and that im making her mine for good.

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