Or else

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Shawns POV

Mia was currently in the back seat asleep. She looked so beautiful. I was now driving to Mia house when my phone rang.

"What" I whispered harshly

"Well hello to you too" an all to familiar voice said through the phone.

"What do you want Liam" I gritted out.

"Oh just wondering...is Mia okay...you did scare her you know" I could almost imagine the smirk that must be on his face.

"What's it to you and we made up so fuck off" I spat. With that I hung up.

I reached Mia's house, I hoped out of the car and opened the back door picked Mia up gently , trying my best not to wake her up.

I grabbed the spar key under the mat and opened the door. I made my way upstairs and tucked Mia in bed. I kissed her forehead and walked out the door shutting the light.

Liam's POV 😜

"Sup jake....mind doing me a favor?" I said through the phone.

"Aye man, and what is?" I grinned

"I'd like you to look up a girl for me....Mia Heart" I started hear rustling in the background.

"Found her...she's 19...in college..blah blah....fuck shes hot" he said.

"Fuck off she's mine...just tell me where she lives" he chuckled than gave me the address. With that I hung up.

*****Mia's house

I was now in front of Mia's house. I quietly ran up the stairs and picked the lock. I smirked as I opened the door. I walked upstairs trying not make a sound. I opened the door of the first room I saw. No Mia. I walked to the next room opened the door. I smirked, she was laying in bed with the sexy dress still on.

She looked so hot I couldn't take it anymore. I walked towards her bed and got on top of her. I took out my cellphone and took a pic of me kissing her neck. Damn this picture will surly make people believe we did the dirty.

I put my phone in my back pocket and continued to trail kisses up and down her neck.

Mia's POV

I felt a wet substance on my neck. Than something harshly sucking on my neck. I let out a moan...it felt amazing. I opened my eyes to see a figure on top of me.

I pushed the person back and rubbed my eyes clearing the blurriness. I looked up to see...Liam.

"Wtf...what were you doing" I yelled. He smirked and walked towards me.

"I don't know why your so upset, you seemed to enjoy it" he said smugly. My jaw dropped.

"I...I...thought you were shawn" I defended. Liam's smirk fell and was replaced with a dark menacing look.

He picked me up and pushed me up against the wall.

"Listen here baby....I want you to break up with shawn..or else-"he took out his phone showing me a picture that looked like I was doing the dirty with him" I'll send this to shawn". He smirked.

"Your sick" I spat. He chuckled darkly.

"Thank you" he said amused.

"No I won't break up with him" I said crossing my arms.

"Oh really now...so you won't mind if I show him this picture, it sure will break his heart don't you think?" he said teasingly in my ear running is finger up and down my neck sending shivers down my spine.

"Why??" I gulped. I felt his hot breath fanning over my ear.

"I want you Mia" my breath hitched.

"I love S-shawn "I said meaning every word. He pressed his body to mine, making me gasp.

"Break up with him or else I'll show him" he smirked.

"Oh and if you try anything...just know I'm not afraid to kill lover boy" I gasped and my eyes went wide.

"You wouldn't ...h-he's your brother" I gritted out.

"Half brother and babe don't test me" with that he walked away leaving me there scared, confused, worried, and thinking. I have to break up with shawn...he can't get hurt because of me, I wouldn't be able to live with myself. I curled up in a ball and cried silently.

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