Be home by eight

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1 year later


Its been a year since I left England and surprisingly it's been awesome.

My mother apologized for her acting like such a bitch, of course I didn't forgive her right away..but as time passed she some how earned my trust.

As for me and my dad he's still aways there for me. I graduated and finally left that hell hole, I made some new friends Nate, holly, and candy we met at college. They're all so sweet, yet they had their wild side just like me.


My phone buzzed in my pocket, I took it out and realized it was a text from Nate.

Nate: hey sexy, the girls and I decided to go to the beach wanna come with??

Me: hey dufus and sure I'll meet u there.

Nate: now now Mia you won't get any guys with that mouth

Me: bye Nate lol

Nate: hahaha bye meme well meet u there.

I laughed at the nickname, I put my phone away and headed towards my closet. I picked out a white bikini with a gold colored cover up. I sure looked hot. I winked in the mirror and headed downstairs.

"Hey honey where you going" said my mother taking out a fresh batch of cookies out of the oven. I quickly ran over to grab one but he slapped my hand away.

"No Mia yours are over there these are for the new neighbors next door" she said sternly. I rolled my eyes and went where she said my cookies were at, luckily they were still warm.

"You still didn't answer my question mia" my mother said snapping me out of my thoughts of what to wear tomorrow at Holly's party.

"Oh sorry mom, I'm going to the beach as you could tell" I said motioning to my bikini cover up and my beach bag.

"Don't get smart with me now young lady, and be back before eight the neighbors will be over for dinner" she said, I nodded and headed out the door.

I was walking towards my car until I heard someone shout "there's still 2 more boxes son" said a deep voice.

"I told you if there's anymore boxes you said no make up your mind already" said a voice that was kinda familiar.

I laughed and stepped in my car and started the engine. Beach time bitches.

I turned on the radio and 'animals' by Maroon 5 started playing. I started mouthing the words.

******************at the beach.

I parked my car, and got what I needed and headed towards the beach. It was such a beautiful day, I felt the sun shining on me, shit I gotta put sunscreen. I than heard screaming and people calling my

I looked to my right to see holly , Nate and candy all running towards me with Giant smiles on there faces I laughed and waved.

They were all right in front of me out of breath. I smirked and said.

"You guise love me that much awww" they playfully glared and hugged me, Nate was still hugging me I awkwardly patted his back and to see holly smirking and candy looking the other way. I knew she liked Nate.

"Nate you could let got now" I laughed he let go and blushed.

"Oh yeah sorry about that haha"he said nervously.

"Well I'm gonna set up now, where did you guise set up" they pointed to where there spot was and I walked to where it was.

I set up my beach chair and set my things next to it.

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