What did he tell her??

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"I...I wanna break up" I choked out. It was now dead silent. I look up to see a shocked shawn. He than looked angry.

"F-fine it's over than, I never wanted a slut of a girlfriend anyways" I got up ignoring the pain, I limped my way towards the door and opened.

"And I never wanted a liar as a boyfriend, guess we both don't get what we want huh?!?!" I spat. He hesitated before walking out the door.

I shut the door and locked it. I headed towards the kitchen and decided to eat Oreos with milk.

After that little snack I made my way upstairs and into my room. I headed towards my closet and laid out an oversized jersey. I put it on, for some reason I felt watched. I looked behind me to see shawn looking at me from his window...he was just staring at me.

What next happened broke my heart. I was two arms snake around his waist, I saw a slut with fake bleach blond hair, orange skin, and waring nothing but underwear. He smirked at me and winked. I walked up to the window and shut the curtains quickly. Well he moved on fast.

I heard my phone buzz and went to see who it was...it was Brandon.

Brandon: hey, I was wondering if you wanna go grab a bite or something tom around 10 maybe.

I smiled and replied with an 'ok'. I wasn't in the mood, I mean I just broke up with the love of my life. Guess not anymore.

****** morning

I couldn't sleep, cause stupid shawn just had to open his window and I had to hear that bitch moan his name over and over again. Yeah it did hurt, but I gotta move on. I felt tears brim my eyes. Come on Mia you don't need him, you could do this.

I got out of bed and walked towards the bathroom and freshened up. After that I headed towards my wardrobe, I picked out a white belly top that said "I'm that girl" in black bold letters then I put on black ripped skinny jeans.

I put my hair in a stylish ponytail, I applied blood red lipstick, then I put on black eyeliner and black mascara. I looked sexy. I put on my black converse and headed out the door. I saw shawn and some blond eating each others faces off. I rolled my eyes, and walked passed his house heading to Starbucks to meet Brandon.

Shawn's POV

I hate this, I hate kissing, touching, and sleeping with these sluts.. I want my Mia back. To be honest I felt like crying, just knowing that Mia doesn't want me or maybe not love me like she used to hurts. I try so hard to forget about her, I just...can't. My anger is a real problem...I just can't control it.

I heard the doorbell ring, I shot out of bed and ran downstairs, maybe it's Mia.

I opened the door to see some blond, eh probably looking to fuck around. She grabbed my face without warning and smashed her lips to mine. I admit she's a great kisser, but no where compared to my Mia.

As I was kissing her I heard a door slam shut. I knew it was Mia's, she walked right passed us. My eyes were wide, she looked so sexy. Where the fuck is she going. The blond pulled away.

" come on baby, let's take this inside" she said bitting her lip..yup she killed it. I pushed her away and followed Mia. I think she was heading to Starbucks.


She stepped in and I peeked through the glass, I saw her hug a guy my anger boiled. They pulled away and I got a good view of the guy. Fuck no.

It was Brandon.

Why him?? Out of all people she chooses that bitch. After a while they were just talking than I saw Mia take a sip of her coffee. Brandon said something which caused Mia to spit out her coffee. She looked terrified.

What did he tell her?????

I need to know.

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