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Breath in

Breath out

I was currently in the girls bathroom staring at the girl in the mirror. The girl had absolutely no emotion which was sad to know.

I quickly gathered my things and headed to P.E. As I was walking I noticed people staring at me, did I have something on my face??.

I quickly took out my ID for school to show the teacher informing her I have class this period. I headed towards my locker and got changed. I fucking hate the gym uniforms they were just so slutty and just ew. But the other girls seem to like them....sluts.

I put on the very short shorts and the shirt that was a little to tight for my liking I mean you could see the outline of my bra. I put on my nike shoes and locked up my locker now heading towards the feild.

Oh HELL NO!!!!!!

I saw the whole football team. Isn't this suppose to be only girls alone for a period....ugh.

"Kingsley I don't see you stretching let's go let's go move it" my annoying gym teacher yelled. I rolled my eyes and started reaching for my toes. As I did so I heard groans and moans from behind me. Me being the curios person I am turned to see all the guys hold there dicks.

This was to funny. I softly chuckled and stood up. "Please just get a life" I said to them as I started doing my squats.

"Now we know why shawn has his eyes on you, your the whole package babe" some random guy said, I rolled my eyes once more and stood up.

I walked up to the person who said that and whispered in his ear "well you know what I think of that" I said in a low voice brushing my lips against his ear.

He groaned and chocked out a "what".

I pushed him back and said loud and clear "well shawn won't have me" I smirked and decided on doing some laps.

"That was so hot" I heard them say as others nod in agreement, ugh hormonal teenage boys I thought.


After doing 5 laps I decided enough was enough and I headed towards the locker room. I got there and noticed I was the only one there weird.

I took off my top and my shorts. I bent down to reach for my jean shorts as I did so I felt something pressed to my ass.

I turned to see shawn with lust, anger, and something else flicker in his eyes.

I quickly pushed him away and looked the other way avoiding his gaze.

" I can't believe you Mia, I know everything about what happened between you and Nash, your such a slut you bitch" he screamed as he pushed me up against the lockers. I flinched at his tone.

"Fuck you shawn, why won't you just leave me alone....I just moved here and all you did was cause so much shit just .....just fuck off already I hate you" his eyes held so much hurt but I didn't care it quickly turned into anger.

I pushed him away and stepped back. Shawn took deadly steps towards me.

Oh no I know he won't be able to control his anger.

"Now shawn listen to me try and control yourself...you don't want to do this" I said hoping he would listen.

Shawn laughed evilly and held his horrid gaze on me. My back made contact with the wall. Fuck.

"Oh Mia...tsk tsk tsk" he said dryly

"Shawn ple-" he cut me off by screaming "SHUT UP SLUT" that's it I won't take this no longer.

" No you shut up bitch" I screamed in his voice I soon regretted it after I felt a stinging pain on my cheek. Tears brim my eyes.

" I hate you" I whispered. Shawn than kicked me in the stomach with so much force I was surprised I wasn't knocked out yet.

He kicked my 4 more times and threw a couple of hard punches at me. He than picked my up by my hair and said

"This is a warning bitch stay away from nash" than he quickly left leaving me their.

After about 5 minutes of laying on the floor I went to go gather my stuff and Change, the pain I felt was unbearable. But my heart ached the most. I looked in the mirror to see a bloody nose A black eye and bruises . I picked up my bag whimpering because of my back and headed towards the exit.

I got home and I saw a 2 notes one from aunt Kelly and the other was from Amanda.

Amanda said she won't be home for 2 months she's on a class trip. The other says aunt Kelly is on a business trip.

I decided missing school for about a week and just stay home, till my bruises heel and for me just to figure things out.

Ugh what happened to my life.

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