Shits about to go down

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'I was made to keep your body warm'

'But I'm cold as the wind blows'

' So hold me in your arms'

As much as I love the song "kiss me" I don't like my morning disturbed, am I right ????




Wtf was that, I got up to see where the noise was coming from.



The window??? I opened my curtains to see a smiling shawn. I rolled my eyes and opened the window.

"What" I said rather harshly

"Well good morning to you too Mia" wow he didn't call me love or baby girl like he usually does, I kinda didn't like it either..I just shrugged it off.

"Shawn I'm tired what exactly do you want" I said yawning a bit.

"Sorry I just wanted to know if you wanted to go to the beach with me" he looked calm.

"I don't kn-" he cut me off

"You can invite your friends if you'd like" I thought about it.

"Ok I'll come" he had a huge grin on his face.

"Great we'll meet you there at 10 bye'' he said than vanished.

What caught me off guard is he said 'we'll'. I shrugged it off and went towards my phone. I texted Nate, candy and holly asking them if they'd like to come with me to the beach.

They replied instantly saying 'sures' and 'yeahs'.


I felt a wet substance on my lips then something sucking on my bottom lip.

I opened my eyes to see Nate on top of me I smiled and kissed back. After what felt like forever we pulled away unfortunately, gasping for air.

"Babe get ready it's 9:11" I gasped and got up, Nate slapped my ass and I laughed.

I headed towards the bathroom and freshened up, I wore a strapless bikini which was black. I put my hair in a cute messy bun. I head out the bathroom to see. Nate on his phone, I close the bathroom door shut which catches Nate attention.

"Finally your- whoa" Nate's eyes were filled with lust than It quickly flashed to anger.

"Change now" I flinched at his town. His gaze met mine and his eyes softened.

"I'm sorry babe I just don't want want guys to be all over you and shit" he said walking up to me engulfing me in a hug.

I smiled and and said "well fuck them cause I have you" Nate smiled and kissed my lips.

"Ahem" we pulled away to see candy and holly standing by the door. Holly had 'I told you face' while candy shifted uncomfortably. I don't care if she likes Nate to be honest she doesn't deserve him she's just a slut I saw her making out with Holly's boyfriend. Which reminds me I gotta let holly know.

"Well is there something we should know" holly said excitedly

"Me and Mia are dating" Nate said picking me up spinning me around, I giggled.

"We should go now" said candy rolling her eyes.

"Yeah let's go by the way were meeting up with my neighbor shawn.

"Ooo is he cute and single" I felt a weird pit in my stomach I shrugged it off and answered.

"I don't know nor care" simply said and we made are way out the door.

*************************at the beach

Shawn's POV

"Relax she'll be here" said Anna. I was looking around to see if there's any sign of Mia. Nothing.

"How do you-" I was cut off by someone calling my name. I turn to see Mia looking for me and shouting my name. She looked so hot, her tan legs, her flat tone stomach, her amazing round medium sized boobs, oh that ass though. I got angry cause guys were looking at what mine.

She looked so cute standing in the middle of the beach calling my name. My blood became to boil as I noticed the same guy she was kissing last night's arms wrapped around her. Mia will be mine.


"Over here" someone yelled I looked to see shawn....with a girl.

His arm was wrapped around her and she was way to close for my liking.

Wait....what am I saying I'm with Nate and I like him not shawn.

Nate held my hand and we started walking were shawn and the girl was.

"Hey I'm glad you came, Mia I'd like you to meet Anna my girlfriend" ok I'm gonna admit that hurt like a bitch but I gotta be strong I won't let him see me weak.

"Hi Anna nice to meet you" I said, she looked down at her nails and said "same". I looked at her like if she was serious. What a bitch.

"Well your rude" Nate said a little angry to Anna.

"Hey!!! Watch the way you talk to my girl" shawn shouted angrily. Ok that really hurt..big time, why though I can't like him can I.

"Well tell your girl, to be less rude and we wouldn't have a problem" Nate spat.

"I didn't think she was rude at all" piped candy smirking a little. Nate and holly looked quite shocked, but I knew she just upset that Nate likes me not her.

"See" said Shawn smirking.

"Well I totally disagree with candy" said holly.

"Whatever can we just have a nice relaxing day at the beach gosh" I said shaking my head.

"Yeah your right let's go choose a spot" said holly. I Smiled and nodded.

"Well I'll be over there let's go shawn" Anna said. I rolled my eyes and walked towards a nice spot.

I laid on my stomach and closed my eyes. Nate had other plans he picked me up and laid me down on his body. It felt so right yet so wrong.

"Hey babe I said pecking is lips" he pouted and said.

"Is that all I get" he said in a cute baby voice, I laughed and kissed his lips , we were than in a hot make out session than I felt something wet and sticky on me. I opened my eyes to see candy with a fake innocent look on her face.

"Oops I'm sorry" she said than walked away.

Ok shits about to go down.**


Team Nate or team shawn

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