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"Shut up she might here you prick" said a feminine voice. Shits about to go down, no one ever disturbs my sleeping time.

"Don't call me a prick whore" whispered/shouted a male voice.

"Both of you shut up already and grow up" sassed another feminine voice.

"Let's get this over with, candy do you have the bucket filled with ice cold water" I shot up from my sleep, I opened my eyes to see me on top of Nate.

"Ice cold water" I glared down at him.

"Haha, what Pshh, you and that crazy imagination of yours" Nate said nervously.

"Whatever" I was about to get off of him but his muscular arm wrapped around me and pulled me back down on him.

"No stay, your so warm" he pouted and nuzzled his face in the crook of my neck. I laughed at his cuteness. My phone than buzzed. I quickly got up and checked my phone.

Unknown: hey it's Brandon, the guy you met at the beach, anyways I was wondering if you'd like to go and grab a bite or something.

I smiled and reply

Me: hey and yes I remember who you are, and I'd love to here's my address (texts address).

Brandon: pick you up at 10 bye luv xx

I looked at the time to see it was 9:30, fuck I need to get ready.

I looked to see candy and Nate arguing over something and holly looking at them amused.I shook my head.

"Listen up, I have an extremely hot guy picking me up at 10 an it's- " I check the Time "9:32 so everyone out out out!!!!" I shouted shooing them away.

"What??? Who's this guy" Nate said anger dripped in his tone.

"Nate...why does it matter" I said confused.

"Uh it doesn't, I uh just....don't want you to get hurt" he stuttered. I shook my head waving my hand.

"Don't worry I'm a tough girl remember" I said flexing my imaginary muscles.

He laughed and walked up to me he kissed my forehead and said " please be carful" I nodded assuring him I will be. He sighed and walked out the door.

I think I might have a tiny crush on him.. What the hell Mia. Oh god. I just shrugged the feeling off and head towards the bathroom freshening up.


I was looking in a full length mirror. I saw a girl waring a black leather skater skirt, and a belly top that said 'Paris'. I put on my black vans.

Ding dong.

I walked downstairs and opened the door "hey bra- SHAWN" I was shocked than it went to anger.

"Hey Mia, miss me" he smirked. I fake gagged. "You wish, now what are you doing here"

"Just to see how my girlfriends doing"

"Oh really where is she" I said playing dumb. Shawn sighed in frustration and a tint of anger laced in his voice.

"You Mia, I'm talking about you for fucks sake" I laughed and shook my head.

"No no no shawn, remember what you told me last time we saw each other" right when I mentioned this Shawn's facial expression when from guilty. Good.

"Mia I'm so-" he was cut off by Brandon.

"Oh I'm sorry am I interrupting some thing" Brandon said.

"No/yes" me and shawn said at the same time.I glared at shawn to see him shooting daggers at Brandon.

"I'll just wait over there" Brandon said point by the steps, I nodded and he left.

"Who the hell was that" shawn said with rage.

"It's non of your business" I said annoyed.

"Yes it is now tell me, who the fuck was that guy" he said in a threatening tone, I flinched at his tone. I couldn't show him I was scared.

"He's my date shawn where going to the movies, now move" I said annoyed.

He than pushed me up against the wall and put my hands Above my head with his head nuzzled in my neck.

"You have no idea how much I missed you" he whispered in my ear. His nose skimmed from my jawline down to my neck.

"Your so beautiful" he started kissing my neck ad nipping at my skin, I so badly wanted to moan. Shawn than found my weak spot, I let a moan out which caused him to smirk.

"I love you" he said which caused me to snap and push him away.

"I wish I could say the same" I said angry and walked out the door to see Brandon on his phone.

"Hey sorry about that" I said

"It's alright, let's go yeah??" He said I nodded.

***********************at the movies

"That movie was amazing I still can't believe you cried" I laughed at Brandon who was blushing.

"I...I had something in my eye" he said lying through his teeth.

"Sure" I said not believing him.

"Whatever, let's go" said as he held my hand, it didn't feel right like shawn and mine. Since when did I start comparing my dates to shawn.

"..ok" Brandon snapped me out of my thoughts

"I'm sorry wha" I said feeling bad. He laughed and said.

"I said if you would like to be my date for a swimming party occurring next Saturday" he said.

I smiled and said "id love to" he grinned and kissed my cheek which caused me to blush.

"It's settled than" he cheered and I laughed at his child ways.

*********************** home

I was currently in my room on my laptop my parents were out.

I started hearing shuffling in my closet.

What the fuck.

I got up as the noise started to get louder. I grabbed my baseball bat I left for protection.

I opened it and gasped.

"What the hell are you doing here??"


Oooo who do you think it is. Ill give you choices is it.


2- Nate

3- Brandon

Plz tell me who you think it is and I'll post the next chapter and trust me a lot of shit is about to go down.

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