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The message had been simple. Get the girl, or worse will happen to other fans. Mark didn't know what Dark wanted with her, but he was forced to weigh up his options. One girl versus the millions of fans Dark could hurt... Mark knew there were others, too. Did he want to risk pissing Dark off to the point where those others were brought out too? He looked at himself in the mirror, unsure of what Dark could hear and couldn't hear. He sighed, wetting his face again. He reached for his toothbrush, dispensed a bit of toothpaste, and started brushing his teeth. If Dark could truly control him, he'd have done so by now. Mark felt too good for Dark to be draining him, but then he really couldn't be sure. He didn't know, and that was the scariest part. Whoever this 'joker' was... he closed his eyes and stopped thinking about it, turning his mind instead to a couple of the videos he had planned. Perhaps if he just didn't think about it, it would go away...

When Mark lay down that night to sleep, he felt his mind drift away, his limbs a little heavier than normal. 


"The information I need is simple. I need to know her name, where she lives, and whether she's in school or working, her schedule..." Dark sat behind the large oak desk of Markiplier Mansion, his secret project while Mark slept. 

"I can provide you with the information you request, although it is not in line with our privacy policy." 

"I don't care about that," Dark hissed. "I care about finding her. Mark is useless, you understand... we'll have to do everything ourselves... Google." 

"I understand." Google froze for a second, his eyes glazing over. Dark watched for a while, steepling his fingers. After a couple of minutes, Google sat forwards, reached for the pen on the desk in front of him and began to write on the paper Dark had put there. A name, an address, a job title, working hours, usual plans, social media profiles... everything Dark could have needed about (y/n). "I hope this is sufficient." Dark took the paper from him and scanned it, grinning. 

"It's perfect," he said with malice, his eyes glittering darkly. "Thank you." 

"You're welcome." Google stood, turning and leaving the room. Dark liked him. He was sharp, to the point, clever. He knew more than Dark and the rest of them... With the information in hand, Dark closed his eyes. He could see where his final power play was vividly in his mind. As though he was there himself, almost...

Come. I need you now. 

I have less than no desire to come now, I'm busy.

You're not busy, I can see what you're doing. He will fail. You will not. I have what you need to complete this.

I'm busy.

Dark's mental image went black, and he sighed, rubbing his temples. He looked out of the large window at the end of the room and growled. Sunrise. Mark would be waking up soon.


You have today to get her where I want her. If I do not have her today, I will take her myself, and for good measure the rest of your fans can suffer too. It's your call. ~ Dark

Mark rubbed his eyes and yawned. Despite the nine hours he'd slept deeply for, he still felt bone-tired, as though he hadn't slept at all. He read the note again, his heart heavy. One. One girl. Sacrifice one girl for the sake of many. A debate he'd often had with friends, but a hypothetical one - of course he'd never actually have to consider the life of one person against that of God knows how many. He picked up the note and found another sheet of paper, handwritten although the script looked typed. A name, an address, and a time. He could only assume this was her, and her address... what scared him more was that it was just around the corner from his place. Silver Lake was a smaller county, he supposed, but really, what were the chances? Maybe that's why Dark had chosen her. He checked the time and got himself ready. After a slowly-eaten bowl of cereal, more out of necessity than actual hunger, Mark left the house. He didn't have a choice. He really didn't have a choice. 

The Dark Mark (Mark/Dark/Wilford/Google x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now