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In the days that passed, I got to know Mark's mother pretty well. Mark knew what he had to do, and it was simple for him - he had to keep Dark as far away from me as possible. That also somehow included Google. I'm not sure how he managed it, but he did, because three more weeks went by without any interference from either of them. I missed Mark so much. I couldn't speak to him - no FaceTime, phone calls, nothing that Google could use to get to me - and it killed me a little inside. As March turned into April, and the cold lifted into spring in Ohio, the inevitable happened. My waters broke. 


The shrill cry of Mark's phone sliced through the darkness. He woke with a panicked start and grabbed it, tiredly turning it off, grumbling when he saw the time on screen - 4.32am. He unlocked it and checked his notifications and gasped. Y/N's number. It began to ring again, and he answered it with shaking hands, now fully awake. 

"Y/N - what's happening?"

"Mark, my waters just broke," she said softly. "I'm in Ohio, with your mum. You need to come over here now. I haven't had any pains yet, but get here. My spare car key is under the plant pot in the living room." 

"Alright - shit - are you sure?"

"I'm positive, Mark - get here! Now!" 

"Alright, alright, I'm coming - I'll be on the next flight over!" Mark scrambled from the bed. He threw his toothbrush quickly around his mouth, splashed some water on his face, packed a bag in record speed (he could always buy stuff there if he needed anything) and, after grabbing his passport and phone and charger, and the spare car key, he left the house. 


As soon as the contractions started, I told Sunok. Two hours had passed, and I'd been timing the vague pains that had started shortly after my waters breaking, but I knew one couldn't guarantee I'd labour for a full four hours. I had to, though. I needed Mark here. I couldn't be sure that Google hadn't found me... I needed to be sure that I had him there to protect me while I was most vulnerable. 

Sunok had woken up pretty early, which was nice because she made me some tea and told me to let her know when I wanted to go to the hospital. I realised I didn't have any kind of birthing plan here, but I figured I'd tell the hospital that I was visiting family. Not a lie - I was visiting family, and had been for three weeks... but they didn't need to know any of this was planned. I grimaced as another contraction washed over me, still twenty minutes apart. I checked my phone again. Mark had only just made the 5.45am LAX flight, managing to book it at the desk somehow. That meant he'd land at 1pm Cincinnati time. I felt sick, but for the moment at least the baby showed no signs of moving. I settled down in the chair in front of the TV, and sighed, checking my phone again. 


"He's on the move," Dark said softly. "He's going to Ohio... to see his mother..." he was furious, quietly simmering with so much anger. That he'd managed to escape him was one thing, but the fact that he couldn't seem to take over control of Mark's body angered him even more. He was supposed to be weakened, by now... he stared at Wilford from the mirror. Wilford was in a silent bar in a seedy area of LA, Google perched perfectly on a chair beside him. 

"What do you want us to do?" Wilford asked, twirling a revolver around his finger. Google kept eyeing it wearily. 

"Ohio is a four-hour-twelve-minute flight from Los Angeles. Mark's options for leaving were limited. There is no feasible option for him to have taken the scheduled 5.45am flight this morning." Google reeled off the information clearly. "We cannot stop him from reaching Y/N. It is physically impossible."

"I am aware of that, Google," Dark spat. "Fully aware... but that is where she has been. And I'd like to know why you did not know where she was so that I could have taken her sooner?!" 

The Dark Mark (Mark/Dark/Wilford/Google x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now