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Wilford lunged at me and grabbed me off the chair, holding me tightly. Mark stood, trying not to make a scene. He needn't have bothered; no-one else in the restaurant could see us. I clutched my bump with one hand, Wilford's hand with my other, trying to stop him both strangling me and hurting the baby. He did neither, though. He just held me close, firmly. Mark's face was pale, filled with fear, eyebrows knotted. 

"W-Wilford," he said softly. "P-please... d-don't hurt her..." 

"I want what's mine..." Wilford's hand moved to my stomach. I tensed again, and the baby kicked. Wilford gasped. I felt him smile against my skin. "He knows I'm here," he said softly, his voice tender. "He knows... he..." 

"Wilford, the baby is Mark's," I said quietly. "It has to be..." 

"It has to be..." Wilford muttered. He let me go and I stood there, not daring to move. Wilford looked at Mark, a dark grin on his face. "For someone so sure, there doesn't seem to be much... surety..." Mark's gaze flickered to me, and then back to Wilford. I sat down. I had to. My head was spinning. 

"I... I mean... Y/N... you said it's mine... it's mine, right?" Mark asked. Then, he shook his head. "Of course it's mine, Wilford - stop it! Stop playing your mind games and go away!" 

"Oooh, we're getting angry," Wilford grinned, squaring up to Mark. Mark stepped up too. "But what will you do when that baby comes out with a nice little crop of pink hair, HMMM?!" Both of them stood toe to toe, Mark growing angrier. 

"I'll call Dark," he growled. I shivered. Despite the entire fucking situation, the sound of his voice being that deep sent shivers down my spine. Wilford sneered. "I'll call Dark and tell him you're threatening to take what's rightfully his... after all, I owe him a debt, and there's his payment." Mark pointed to me. I froze. I didn't know what game he was playing. Wilford seemed conflicted. He pressed his forehead against Mark's, daring him to hit him. I could only watch. 

"He'll kill her," Wilford hissed. 

"He'll take her body," Mark spat. "He'll take her body -" he grabbed Wilford's yellow shirt in two fists and pulled him up. "- and he'll take it for his own, and you're there thinking of what's YOURS?! SHE ISN'T YOURS TO TAKE, SHE'S MINE AND IF ANYTHING HAPPENS TO HER, WILFORD, I-" his voice caught in his throat. "I... life won't be worth living." He threw Wilford back, startling him. Wilford steadied himself and watched Mark, unsure of the situation. Mark had never apparently exploded at him like that before... Mark sat back in his chair. "I have five months left with her, Wilford. Dark gave us one year. One year to be together before we make our choice... God knows it's been difficult. The baby's made things a lot harder..." Wilford folded his arms. "But we... I... I c-can't bear to think about any of it." Wilford looked down. Mark looked at me. 

"But... but if there's a chance such a beautiful creature could be carrying my child... then I've a right to it too," Wilford said quietly. "And if the child is mine..." he stepped forward. "Then our darling demon won't have a say in the matter..." he smiled, albeit sadly, and sniffed. "But if you're lying to me... I'll kill you both." 

"Oh, please," Mark spat. "You'll kill us, Dark will kill us - who's next in line? Google?! Have I done anything to piss him off?!" 

"No," Wilford smirked, taking out a gun seemingly from mid-air. "He's just a crazy mindless psychopath." 

"Ha, like you, then," I laughed, and shook my head. Wilford looked at me in confusion. 



"What did you just say?" Wilford's voice was soft and menacing, matching the threatening look in his eye. I bit my lip. 

"You're crazy," I whispered. "You're the crazy mindless psychopath. Whatever you did to me back in that manor, Wilford, it wasn't what I'd wanted. Whatever mind tricks you played on me..." I closed my eyes and shook my head. "And even if the baby does turn out to be yours - which it isn't - then what makes you think I'd ever choose you?" My voice shook at that last part. Mark wasn't looking at me. I knew if the baby was Wilford's, it'd crush him. But then, given that neither of us knew if we'd be alive, maybe it wouldn't matter... Mark would hate me anyway. 

The Dark Mark (Mark/Dark/Wilford/Google x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now