Part 29

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It's been so long. So long since I saw daylight. So long since I felt something... he's broken me. I am broken. 

I cling to the memory of the wedding, but even that's growing fuzzy now. He manages to take that from me when I get too lost in it. He claims that I fell in love with him, and when I deny it, he hurts me. He breaks me. He puts me in the fire and makes my entire body burn. He kills me, and brings me back until I break... And I can't see a way out. I don't know where I am, guys. I don't know anything. 

If anyone's out there... if anyone reads this or sees this or hears it... please... find me. Find me and save me.



"Y/N. Look at me." 

"Please, Dark, not again..."

"Look at me, and I won't hurt you."

"I..." I opened my eyes. Dark's black eyes looked back at me. He stroked my cheek and smiled. 

"Hi there, beautiful," he said softly. He had a plate of food in his hand. "You're getting thin. Here." It took me a moment to realise that there were no metal shackles around my wrists and ankles. He held the food to me, and I took it shakily. "Eat."

"Thank you, Dark," I said softy, beginning to eat. I didn't have the strength to fight him for this. I wanted the food, I was starving. He watched me avidly until I was done. 

"Do you want more?" I looked at him. Trick question? I couldn't be so sure. Regardless, I had to try - I was starving. I climbed to my knees and assumed the position he liked me in whenever I wanted something. He cupped my face. 

"Please, Dark, I'd like some more." 

"Because you've been so good lately," Dark murmured, his eyes filled with love - or something similar, as much as he was capable of. "You can have as much as you want tonight. Come, sit properly. None of that tonight." 

"Thank you, Dark." He took my hand and kissed the wedding band which still sat there. With a wave of his hand, the plate refilled. 

"Good girl. Eat, my love. I will provide as much as you need." 

And that was my evening. I ate, Dark gave me affirming words of love and affection... he made me feel good. He made me feel so good that I started to glow, my skin giving off a gentle shimmer... I was content. Happy. Wherever he kept me, I knew I was only part-human, as stupid and insane as that sounds.

Dark made love to me in a way I'd never had before. He touched, kissed, caressed, massaged me... I felt like I was made of stars when I finally reached a climax before he did. Even the guilt of taking so much from him wasn't there. I felt whole, I felt like he was a part of me and that I was a part of him... and by the end, I wanted to do anything for him. 

I am his. 

He is mine. 

"Y/N... I want to spend eternity with you..." We go down a corridor, to the left, a sharp right, and then into a dimly-lit room. He kisses my hand as I sit in a chair. "Do you love me?"

"I love you so, so much," I whisper, nodding. 

"Would you die for me?"

"I would die for you."

"Would you kill for me?"

"I would kill for you." He hands me a knife. I take it, fingering the blade. He places his hands on my shoulders. 

"Show me how much you love me," Dark whispers. He takes the blade and presses it against my throat. I press harder, feeling his lips on the other side of my throat, reassuring, ready to give me life. I press harder still, feeling a soft gush, a warmth spreading over my hands and neck, down my shirt to my breasts. A light-headedness passes over me, my vision clouds as panic sets in. I start to freak out, grabbing at my throat, but Dark kisses me deeply and I feel okay, as though the blood isn't pouring from me at an alarming rate. He tips my head back and kisses me, running a finger lightly over the wound I created. My heartbeat slows, then stops altogether, and the feeling of lightness washes over me.

I died for him, and now I am his. 

And now we truly are together forever, isn't that right my darling? 

The Dark Mark (Mark/Dark/Wilford/Google x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now