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The photo was a simple one. My hand clutched in his, only our forearms showing, my ring... black and white... Chica right in the middle of us, a little blurry in the background, a little bouquet of flowers in the background. No caption, no hashtags... just the photo. It screamed a thousand words, though, and yes, Mark's fans went crazy for it. 




No way this is real - I bet Mark's working on something again. No way. He'd have told us if there was a girlfriend involved... 

Because that's the thing. Dark wanted me for himself, so he kept me out of Mark's fan's view. He kept me to himself. I'd never been formally introduced as his girlfriend, never mind the person he wanted to spend the rest of his life with. But, he had to announce it somehow, because his fans are eagle-eyed and spot literally everything. 

Anyway, the wedding is in two weeks and everything is basically ready. Now all we have to do is wait...


I woke up that morning, the sun filtering gently through the long curtains. I woke up alone, and for a moment I felt a bit lost... but the feel of my ring as I rubbed my eyes made me grin. 

It was the day I got to marry the love of my life. 

We'd planned a quick, small wedding, with Mark's family and my family, and a couple of our closest friends. For me, it meant my mum and dad, my friends Lucy, Joel, Jacob and Rory and any partners. For Mark, it meant his mum and his brother Thomas, Bob, Wade, Ethan, Tyler and Kathryn and any partners. Very small indeed, but what would be the point of more than that? Neither of us cared about much else. No more than twenty people in total, the perfect size. 

I sat up as the door opened quietly. Ethan's face stuck through. 

"Hey," he smiled, his voice a whisper. "Hey... um... hi... can I come in?" 

"Sure," I grinned, smoothing down the sheets. 

"Awesome." He came in and closed the door. "How are you feeling?" 

"I feel great, Ethan... how about you?" I yawned. 

"Nervous... well, excited, haha..." he chuckled. "Y/N... I know you guys have been through a lot... but I wanted to come and tell you that I'm glad you're doing this. Mark's been weird... for a while. But since you came around, he's been so much more stable. I don't know what you did to him while you guys were away -"

"Ethan, stop. Please. If you don't believe what we told you all, that's fine. But it happened. You guys are the only ones we trusted with that story... it's the truth. Mark did some stupid shit, but we're through it now." I stood from the bed and moved to the balcony doors, opening them to let in the balmy LA air. "I just wish people would either believe it, or leave it. Nothing to add, really." 

"Y/N... I'm sorry..." Ethan stood behind me and moved to the balcony when I went out. "Look... I really wanted to come and wish you good luck for today. And to welcome you properly to the family." He placed a little box down on the table and smiled. "It's not much, but... you know. You've been like a sister to me and I'm really grateful." I looked at him and smiled. 

"Come here." I held my arms out to him and he accepted the hug. 

"I'm sorry for being a dick."

"Naw, you goofed. It's alright. You're a goof." 

"I goofed." Ethan hung his head and chuckled. "I really am sorry. I didn't want to offend you... anyway - open it! I want to see what you think of it!" I picked up the little box and untied the ribbon around it. I opened it, and nestled on a little bed of white fabric was a beautiful pale blue pendant necklace. The silver chain was so fine, it was barely there. 

The Dark Mark (Mark/Dark/Wilford/Google x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now