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(trigger warning: suicide - nothing graphic, but there's a mention! Take care!)

I had no idea where the hell I was going as I walked along the sidewalks. I walked and walked, replaying the events of the evening and night over and over in my mind until I felt numb to it all. I'd tried everything. I'd written every single little thing down, and then verbally affirmed it all again to Mark. He hadn't been able to believe it, even though most of the stuff I'd told him was true. It was strange; I'd been out cold for five minutes, but for me it was five years... some kind of parallel universe, where the life I'd led with Mark mirrored the life he'd led with Amy. Amy, who should have died. Amy who Mark had apparently killed.. Amy who lived. 

At some point on my way home, the sun had risen and was beating down on me. I was hungry and thirsty, but I'd left my bag at the convention. Not that any of it mattered now anyway - I couldn't exactly live any standard of life knowing Mark hated me. I could live with 'please stay away from me', or 'please don't come to another of my conventions'... but outright hatred? Memories of him and me that he didn't have? Evidence of a child on my body that he had no clue about...? I couldn't handle that. I for sure couldn't deal with that. 

As I got close to a highway, I wondered if this was some kind of psychosis. Was I a stalker? Was I a creeper? Had I broken into his home and spied? Was I really this awful person? 

Was I even a damned editor?! 

The world began to crumble around me, and I just stopped. I stopped. I looked at the cars flying past me, and the lure of them was delicious. I enjoyed the whiz of the air as they sped past, the loud and quiet sounds of horns from cars that nearly hit me... I stepped into the road, and smiled. One car dodged me. Then another. Then another, and a fourth... I got to the middle lane, my heart racing. God, I'd never felt so fucking ALIVE! I dodged another car, and then a couple slowed down and started screaming at me from the window. I didn't care to listen, though. I felt high as a kite. 

On the other side of the concrete barrier, there was a filter lane for traffic turning off. A much slower speed for the cars too... I leapt over the barrier and stuck myself to the edge. The next white car that came along would be the one. I could feel it... I could feel something... something within me that was telling me... Something rounded the corner, and I jumped, holding my arms out. I grinned, waiting for the impact that would take all of this shit away and give me some peace... but it never came. Instead, there was a loud horn, the screech of tyres, and something bumped me. I fell back, hitting the ground. A door opened. 

"WHAT THE FUCK?! What the fuck?! Amy, call 911 - oh fuck I think she's - no, she's breathi-"

My head was killing me. Fucking irony. 

"Mark, isn't that... Y/N?" 

"HEY! GET OUT OF THE ROAD!" Some guy further away starting honking the horn and shouting. 

"Are you fucking kidding me?!" 

I opened my eyes and saw Mark kneeling over me. My heart sank. 

"You know, I wish I was, because I REALLY wanted to wake up and have wings or some shit." I sat up, my head pounding. Mark, despite his misgivings, helped me to my feet. I brushed him off. "Sorry for ruining another day of yours, Mark. I'll pick another car next time." I limped over to the grassy verge, but Mark was right behind me. I heard Amy climb into the car behind us and pull over to let the traffic pass. 

"Y/N, I can't let you go like this. How long have you been walking for?"

"I don't know. Couple hours." I shrugged and peered over the metal barrier at the roadside, trying to see if there was any bad drop that I'd die from. I rolled my eyes. Just generic forest. "I only saw you last night. At the con." Mark was silent for a moment. 

The Dark Mark (Mark/Dark/Wilford/Google x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now