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"Y/N? Y/N, can you hear me? Y/N..."

"Mark, I don't think she's awake... stop slapping her..." 

"She has to wake up..." A firm hand on the shoulder. A soft kiss on the forehead. Something wet, a droplet, on the cheek. "She... he c-can't have taken her..." 

"She's still alive, Mark, look." A firm pressure on the throat. Silence. "See? Heartbeat. She'll be alright, but you have to tell us what she took?" 

"I don't - what?! She didn't take anything! Dark! Dark took her! I managed to exorcise him and then he took her!"

"She's in shock." A gentle female voice. "Hi, I'm Dr Penelope Drake, I'm the on-call for the area."

"Hi, doctor..."

"What's her name?"


"Y/N, can you hear me? Can you give me any sign that you can hear me? Anything at all, love... there we go. Can you move your finger again? Alright, we'll do one finger move for yes, two for no, okay?" One. "Awesome, are you in any pain?"


"Can you open your eyes?"


"Did you take anything?"


"Did someone give you anything?"


"Alright, love, I'm going to take some blood and then we're going to get you to the hospital, okay? Mr Fischbach, can you call for an ambulance please?"

"Can't you take her?"

"I can, but then she'll go straight in as an out-patient and she'll have hours to wait. If she has an ambulance and she's still catatonic at the hospital, she'll be seen immediately." 


"Y/N, sweetie, can you try to open your eyes?"

One. Then nothing. 


I suppose, dear reader, that I was indeed in shock. I don't really remember much, from when Dark left to when I ended up at the hospital. Mark told me I was pretty much sedate, catatonic, until they gave me a couple of blood tests and a shot of adrenaline. I slept for a couple of days at his place, but overall I don't remember. The nurses said my memories might come back, but whatever I saw or whatever happened to me, it could be that my brain just didn't allow the memories to form as part of a 'save yourself' strategy. A coping mechanism. 

Mark, however, has been a dear. The police obviously wanted to speak with him because apparently we'd both been missing for several months... my friends and family had put me on the missing persons list and Mark's friends had grown concerned when he'd apparently shown up and looked straight through them. He'd disappeared and they'd made it known he'd gone missing. No-one can tell us where we were, no-one can tell us what happened... just that we'd been gone for months. 

Returning back to my own house was soul-destroying. I had piles and piles of post, the place was disgusting and overgrown, and a thick layer of dust covered everything inside. Animals had gotten in, too... you can imagine the state of the place. The only thing paying the bills on it had been Mark's account, apparently. He'd set that up the day before he'd gone missing... according to the bank we'd both been in, and the police had been informed, but then we'd gone missing. What makes the whole thing even more strange is that Mark's channel still uploads daily. His friends have no clue how or why, and the police couldn't trace any IP address for the upload either... 

The Dark Mark (Mark/Dark/Wilford/Google x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now