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My heart stopped. Every little bit of life drained from me. Mark. My son. Sunok. The year we'd spent together. Our first date that went horribly wrong. Dark - or maybe it was Mark - threw me down several corridors, down a flight of stairs, and eventually into a room I'd never seen before. I stumbled and fell to the floor as Dark locked the door. 

"Dark - please -"

"Begging...?" Dark turned to me. "Oh, begging would have gotten you somewhere before... but not any more. You're done. One more word from you and I'll have him kill you."

"You... you k-killed him -" Dark grabbed me by the throat and picked me up. 

"And you still have not learned how to listen," he hissed. I felt numb with fear. "I have provided you with everything you have ever wanted... love, a nice place to live, good food, a stress-free life..." Dark tightened his grip on my throat, and the pain became unimaginable, as though he was gripping my actual spine. I clung to his wrist, unable to speak. I have never felt pain like it. Honestly - I wanted him to just kill me, to get it over and done with. "You see, Y/N, I have tried to give you only the best this world has to offer. I have tried to reason with you, to show you that you are worth more than anything a mere YouTuber could have offered you..." He dropped me and I fell to the floor, my spine throbbing if that's even possible. I lay there, almost paralyzed. Dark raised one hand and clicked his fingers. I closed my eyes tightly, curling into a ball on the floor. 

Silence. Not a single sound, other than my heavy breathing. I felt him kneel before me, a gentle hand on my cheek. 

"Look at me, Y/N."

The broken sound of Mark's soft voice... how could I resist that? I had to. I didn't want to face the horror I knew I'd see. 

"Y/N, look at me. You're safe now... please open your eyes..." his voice was so close. A pair of arms wrapped around me. 

"I can't," I whispered, curling into his chest. "You'll disappear."

"What?" A soft rumble of laughter in his chest. "I'm not going anywhere. Come on, people are starting to worry." 

"Dark will kill me... William..." I felt so confused, my thoughts rolling up into one jumbled mess. "And Wilford took him..."

"What?" hands on my face again. "No - I think she's okay. I think she just needs something to eat and drink. Tyler, let me get her back here." Someone picked me up. I tried to curl up, but my body wouldn't work. 

"William... Dark... Dark will kill me... he kill me..." I was placed onto something soft and cosy, someone placed a cool cloth to my head. "Please..."

"She's feverish as hell, Mark." A female voice this time. 

"Yeah... where's the medic? Is someone coming? Amy? Did you call them?" My eyes flew open. Sure enough, Amy was stood there, a concerned hand on Mark's shoulder. 

"They're coming," she said softly. 

"Hey there," Mark said gently, smiling. I felt myself start to freak out. I panicked, scrambling off the seat I'd been put on despite my limbs feeling like lead. "Woah woah -"

"You're supposed to be dead - you're dead!" I cried, stumbling back against the partition. I knew exactly where I was; I was at VidCon, where all this started. That was impossible. I can't have spent a year of my life in a couple of seconds... not possible. I pressed a hand to my mouth and shook my head. 

"What? Y/N, calm down -" 

"You d-died - I swear to God you died!" 

"Y/N, you're overheated and over-excited," Tyler said, stepping forwards. "Sit back down and calm down." 

The Dark Mark (Mark/Dark/Wilford/Google x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now