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The door slammed, and Mark winced. He hated it when they argued. Granted, he'd never told her fully what he'd just told her - and that was entirely his own fault. Of course he had to make the baby and her his priorities! That was a given. But he had to face the facts. He and Dark had completely different ideas about what Dark was to receive in turn for giving Mark the life he'd given him. The question now was how on earth he was going to tell Y/N about it. Her mind was vulnerable. Wilford got to her very easily, purely because she was in love with Mark. Google was able to assess her with a simple touch to the skin, because she had a connection to Mark. Dark was able to draw physical strength and life from her, because of that same connection and love. And now that was all worse because of the baby. Y/N meant so much more to Mark because of what she'd accepted of him, and because of what she was about to give him and make him. 

The thought of losing all of it brought him physically to his knees, and he felt the familiar drain of life wash over him. 

He sank to the ground, lying down but turning so he could see the reflection in the mirror. Black eyes and a sinister, mocking grin leered back at him. 

"Trouble in paradise, I see," Dark sneered. "It hurts you... I like it." 

"What do you want? You promised... one year..." Mark's breath left him. Dark chuckled. 

"I did, I did... and I haven't come to break my promise... at least, not yet." His eyes remained on Mark., hateful. "You didn't tell me the good news. Congratulations..." 

"Keep away from us until..." Mark whispered. "Until the baby is born... please..."

"Oh, I do so love to hear you beg," Dark grinned. "I do not know how you kept that from me, Mark, but if you continue to keep things from me, I'll kill the three of you... but I'll make you watch first." 

"N-no," Mark groaned, trying to stand. It was pointless, though - just to appear in the mirror, Dark was draining his energy. "Leave them alone... t-take me, if you have to... j-just leave them alone... p-please..." Dark stepped out of the mirror, and Mark felt his vision tunnel. He blinked, trying to retain even a small grip on his life. 

"Just remember what I can do to you, Mark," Dark growled, crouching beside him. "Remember the pain... remember all the pain..." he placed a hand on Mark's shoulder, and Mark screamed, a world of pain coursing through his body. His abdomen felt like it was being ripped open, the memory of the pain he'd suffered for so long returning, but so much worse. He was taken back to that night in the hospital, unable to move or speak or even think. He remembered the agonisingly slow ticking of the clock in the room, the way the nurses seemed to move in slow motion, only to tell him kindly that his drip was just fine... he remembered the moment Dark appeared beside him in what Mark had at the time considered to be a fever dream, a sign he was dying... Dark had offered him the world, and he'd taken it gladly... anything to stop the pain... he screamed and writhed until his throat was horse, and Dark removed his hand. The pain stopped. 

"I r-remember," Mark panted, weaker than he'd ever been at the hands of Dark. "I remember..." 

"Good. Then you won't make me do that again." He stood straight, retreating back into the mirror. "Remember, Markiplier... you owe me a debt, and I fully intend to be paid." With one last feeble nod, Mark closed his eyes and Dark disappeared. Mark let the tears fall, completely and utterly crushed. The pain was gone now, but the memory of the biggest mistake he'd ever made remained seared into his mind. 


It took me a while to calm down. I almost couldn't, for a long time, but a long walk (well, waddle) around Elysian Park, I felt ready to go back. What I'd said about Wilford wasn't right; I'd wanted to hurt Mark for hurting me, but I could never and would never trust Wilford Warfstache with anything. I only hoped he'd forgive me for saying it. 

The Dark Mark (Mark/Dark/Wilford/Google x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now