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"Mark, please," Ethan said softly. Mark took another mouthful of water as another fan walked away, beaming and happy. If Mark was anything, he was a phenomenal actor. To see him with the rest of the fans, one would think that the incident with Y/N hadn't happened. 

"What?" Mark asked, turning to him. To their left, Tyler, Amy and Kathryn were busy selling merch. 

"I mean... you're not really going to let her go... are you?" 

"Ethan, she's obviously spent hours researching that shit. I don't have time to sort her obsession. I'm scared, Ethan - how did she know the layout? Did she get floor plans online? Has she climbed the fence? How could anyone know that stuff about me?" he shook his head. "I hope she gets the help she needs, but I can't provide that for her." 

"You let her think Amy was your girlfriend." 

"Amy IS my girlfriend..." Mark ran a hand over his face. "I mean... look, I can't discuss this now. We still have another hour left. If you care so much, go find her and speak to her. Maybe you can talk some sense into her." 

"We will discuss it later. I know you won't be able to live with it if something bad happens to her. You explain to me how she knew that stuff about you. You and I both know no-one's been snooping around -"

"Ethan, go find her. Please. Just... don't... I have fans here who haven't overstepped the mark, and I want to focus on them. Please." Mark's face gave it all away. Of course he cared. Ethan was right, he wouldn't be able to forgive himself if he did nothing... but something was stopping him. Something was making him disagree, not do anything... he shook his head and turned his back, a big smile on his face for the next fan in line. 


Ethan caught Y/N's hand and pulled her back. Her face was wet with tears. Unsure of what the hell he needed to do, he pulled her into a hug. 

"Please don't do anything stupid," he whispered softly, holding her tightly. "I didn't like how you were speaking back there... please don't do anything stupid..." 

"I... Ethan, please get off me." She looked at him and stepped back. "Mark will never believe me. For him, I've stalked him..." She wiped her eyes and sniffed. "I spent a year with him. I met him here, and we ended up together because we were both given the choice. He made a deal with a demon, and that demon wanted payment, and now I sound like the most ridiculous dick going." Y/N shook her head and looked down. "I just want him to know how much he means to me, Ethan. I can't live on this planet knowing he hates me." 

"Let me speak to him. Please. Give me your number, I'll speak to him and see if you can prove something..."

"You believe me?" Y/N's eyes were hopeful. Ethan pressed his lips together. 

"I... I honestly don't know, Y/N... it seems a bit far-fetched... I mean, to say you were captured by a demon... that stuff doesn't exist." 

"I didn't think so either," Y/N said softly. "But then it happened. I can even get him to Markiplier Mansion." 

"Manor," Ethan corrected. "But that was created to -"

"Mansion," Y/N cut him off. "Dark hated Manor... he said Mansion was more accurate... anyway, I know what you're going to say. Markiplier Manor was created for YouTube. Who killed Markiplier..." she looked down. "What if that wasn't just for show? What if that was Dark, showing off? Didn't Mark seem at all off?" 

"He..." Ethan stopped and thought for a moment. 

"Ethan, I don't need an answer right now. I need to go home and see what else is the same, or different. Tell Mark I won't be a problem for him because I don't intend to live here much longer. Oklahoma City was really nice."

The Dark Mark (Mark/Dark/Wilford/Google x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now