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I lay in that bed and wondered about my little chat with 'Mark'. I honestly had no idea if Dark had actually played me, or if I genuinely wanted Dark, or if Mark had actually managed to figure it out. I knew for sure that, if I did ever get Mark back, I probably wouldn't trust him. I knew I couldn't trust him until I knew Dark was gone forever, but the likelihood of that happening was slim indeed. I wouldn't trust him, anyway. I'd learned more about him... selling his soul? And I still wasn't sure I had the truth about that. Fact is, dear reader, I knew absolutely fuck all. 

And I was fine with it. 

In the past, sure, I'd needed to know every last little bit of everything, but now... well, here I am. I'm totally fine and I know nothing. 

As I proceeded to think, the door opened and Dark walked in, weary. He didn't hide it, given he thought I was asleep, so I watched him silently. He trudged - trudged! - to the dressing room, and returned seconds later in sleeping pants slung low around his waist. He almost collapsed before he even reached the bed, and before I could say a word to him, he'd pulled himself onto the mattress and was fast asleep. I frowned. I nudged him. I prodded him. I outright shook him. Nothing. I shrugged and turned over, feeling more confused than ever. 


"You're getting stronger."

"I am. You should have killed me when you had the chance, Dark." Mark stood opposite Dark, their figures matched heightwise. "Because I've been working back here while you've been idle... complacent."

"You can't beat me, Mark. I'm a part of you."

"Exactly. A part of me. I tell the world I sold my soul to you... but what if I become stronger than you, hmm?"

"I can make you hurt." 

"Only if I let you." Mark challenged him, and Dark obliged him, throwing red hot knives in his direction. Mark closed his eyes and let the knives sink through him, concentrating. Dark gasped in horror, watching his work come undone. 

"I wasn't trying that hard," he growled, rolling up his sleeves. 

"Tell me, Dark, what would kill you inside? What would hurt you the most?"

"Something you will never, ever have..."

"I think I know what will hurt you the most... if Y/N were to tell you she didn't love you... if she were to tell you that she thought you were pathetic, that she was worth so much more..."

"I'd hurt her until -"

"OH, but you tried that in the past, didn't you?" Mark sneered, his eyes sparkling. "And where did that get you? You've given her your heart, haven't you?" Dark glanced down. "I knew it... you're in love with her..."

"I am," Dark whispered. "I am in love with her. But she'll never believe now that you're truly you."

"Maybe I can live with that. But at least she'll be safe, finally."

"Did you really want the child, Mark?"

"No. But he came along and I loved him." Mark shrugged. "Now, I want my body back."

"No." Dark threw more hot knives at Mark, and then focussed his energy on Mark's mind, trying to hurt him that way. But Mark, in the time he'd had alone, had strengthened his mind and formed a barrier that, try as he might with knives and pickaxes and torture devices, Dark could just not break. Dark threw everything he had, until he was truly exhausted. Mark simply stood before him, eyes closed. 

"You see, Dark, I've learned a lot about myself. I've learned that I can be a massive dick, that I don't deserve the niceness in people. But I've learned that I am human, too... which is more than can be said for you. So, I'll give you one last chance... give me my body back, because our deal is done." 

"The deal was that I get my payment - your body."

"The deal, as I recall it, was that you get your payment... equal to what I take from you. I took your powers for five years before you decided you wanted payment... so therefore, I determine five years have passed, and that's now equal. More so, in fact - you've my girlfriend." Dark let out a demonic laugh. 

"Oh, dear, Markimoo," Dark grinned. "As much as you like to believe I'm a part of you that you can just overcome, I am a demon in every sense of the word... I haunt, I cause mayhem... or I can make your life glitter for a time..." he chuckled. "But when I take my payment, I take it in full, forever."

"Then I've no choice but to take it back from you. Feel free to kill another for what you want, but you're not having my body or my life any more." Mark removed his jacket and stretched out his body, cracking his joints. 

"I'm terrified, Mark, really," Dark muttered, rolling his eyes. He turned, just enough that he didn't see Mark running at him, muttering the words to some ancient curse he'd remembered Dark muttering when he'd first sold his soul. "No - NO!" 


I woke to the most eerie sound I've ever heard. Dark was stood in the middle of the room, the screech coming from his mouth sounded so far away, yet so loud at the same time. I stood, backing into a corner as he darted this way and that, a soul-like creature ripping from his skin, ripping back into place, pulling apart again. It was as though someone was exorcising him. 

"DARK STOP IT! YOU'RE SCARING ME!" I cried, as pathetic as that sounds. Dark clearly couldn't hear me. He writhed around on the floor, curling up and then jumping to his feet. I could only watch, purely horrified until he ripped fully from Mark's body and stood there in a black suit, a black shirt, black tie and waistcoat, and black shoes. He looked at me, shocked and angry. 

"What did you DO?!" he roared, moving to me. I stepped back. 

"N-n-nothing!" I whimpered, fear gripping me. 

"WHAT DID YOU DO TO ME?!" he gripped my throat and held me in place with icy cold fingers, the smell of putrid death coming from him enough to make me gag. Mark's body on the floor jumped to life. 

"She didn't do anything," Mark growled. "I did. I did everything. Those words you told me when you were in the hospital... you chanted them too. You were so tired because I'd been trying to figure out quietly how to use them against you... and here we are."

"You... will pay... for this...!" Dark hissed through gritted teeth. Mark moved to a cupboard and opened a small drawer, grinning. "What are you doing? No - NO, STOP! DON'T TOUCH THAT, MARK!"

"So our memories serve us well," Mark smiled, turning with a small bottle in his hand. 

"What is that?" I squeaked. 

"I'm not altogether sure, but Dark made a point of putting this memory in the remember box..." Mark smirked at me. "So I assume it's some kind of water or oil... holy water, let's say."

"Put that down, or I'll kill her." Dark was watching me. I did nothing and I said nothing. I watched as Mark poured a few drops of the oil onto his fingers and anointed himself with the sign of the cross, and then did the same to me. Dark chuckled. "It's not holy water, Mark... I don't think you got that far, did you?" he outright laughed, and Mark frowned. Only the slight smirk at the corner of his mouth let me believe that he was playing him. Mark was playing Dark. After a few seconds, allowing Dark's cockiness to build, Mark turned and threw the oil all over him. He hissed something in a language I couldn't understand to even write down for you, and Dark began to scream again. His shape blurred, shifting from blue to red and back again. Mark kept chanting the words, kept speaking and saying the same thing over and over again, until Dark's form had completely disappeared. 

"Our contract is broken, what is mine is now mine," Mark muttered. He tucked the bottle into his pocket, and sighed. I watched him for a moment, and then, I fainted. 

The Dark Mark (Mark/Dark/Wilford/Google x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now