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"You tried to stop who?!" I hissed, glaring at him. "What the hell is happening?! Am I drugged?! Am I Punk'd?!" I began to grow hysterical, and Mark stood, clutching his right side. He moved to me, falling to his knees before me. 

"Y/N, I am sorry... there's nothing I can do. I've tried everything." He looked down, his hair a greasy mess. I began to cry almost uncontrollably, the fear finally gripping me. This couldn't be a nightmare - nothing nightmarish ever felt this real. Perhaps that was why it was so scary. Perhaps that's why I felt so out of control and lost and helpless. Granted, I didn't have any family close by, but my friends... would they know where to look for me?! Would they have started searching?! Would they know where I was?! I couldn't see my bag anywhere. Perhaps someone came across it - they'd think I'd been abducted or something... I didn't stop crying as Mark looked up at me, untying my hands, or trying to given that his own body was clearly broken. He was saying something to me, but all I could focus on was the manhunt that would happen in search of me. I didn't even know if I was still in LA... 

"They'll never find me," I whispered.

"Y/n?! Hey. Hey!" Mark had my face in his hands now as I snapped out of it, entering the catatonic phase of the shock. "Hey... come on, look at me." He stroked my cheekbone, his hands shaking. "Look at me, and breathe... there we go... you're going to be alright. I promise. I won't let them hurt you." 

"How... How c-can you p-promise that...?" I asked, my bottom lip trembling. I felt numb, shaken to my very core. 

"Because I'll die to protect you, if that's what it takes." His eyes bored into mine, as though he was trying to get me to feel what he felt. "And... and I think that's probably what it's going to take." 

"What...?" I whispered. "What do you mean? Who are these people, Mark? What's happening?" I tried to move my hand, but it seemed that Mark had given up on trying to undo Wilford's knots. He noticed, and looked down. 

"I can't untie those, I'm sorry. Google's good. Too good." He leaned back so he was resting on his knees again, and picked at his hands. "I'm weak."

"Mark, what's going on? Who are they? Wilford, Dark... Google? What is all this?" Mark took a breath, and sighed it back out. 

"They're me." 


"Yeah. Me." He looked up at me again, and this time, having calmed down, I saw the pain and resignation in his eyes. "Wilford's me, Dark is me, Google's me... they're all me. Dark said there are more in there somewhere - ah!" he winced as he turned and hurt his ribs. "God damn it..."

"What did they do to you?" I tried to work at least one of my wrists free. No such luck. 

"They -" As Mark began to speak, footsteps sounded along the corridor. Mark stood and moved back to his corner. "I'll explain later. Keep quiet and do as they say if you want to stay alive." I could only nod as the door opened and Mark dropped to the floor, whimpering in pain. I turned my head to look behind me, but I couldn't quite see who it was until they passed next to me. Google. Carrying a small folding chair. He unfolded it in silence and sat in front of me in what had to be a perfect sitting posture. 

"Hello, Y/N," Google smiled passively. "My name is Googleplier." 

"Er... Hello..." I said softly, leaning back. 

"There is no need to be afraid. My primary objective for the next ten hours is to serve you." 

"Serve me?" I frowned. 


"What do you mean by that? Serve me?" 

"My primary objective for the next ten hours is to serve you." He gave me the same smile as before. The bright 'G' on his shirt... I surely couldn't need to treat him like a damned... what's it called? Echo dot, but Google?! I don't know! I shook my head and closed my eyes. Mark clearly read my mind. From his spot on the floor, he asked a question. 

The Dark Mark (Mark/Dark/Wilford/Google x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now