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Wilford's arrival was, as predicted, a little awkward on my part. I wanted him. I wanted him with every inch of me... the way he stood, the manner in which he held himself... I felt myself tingle at the thought of his touch. And I'd been literally with him for a matter of seconds. 

"Hello, Will," Dark said quietly. 

"Dark." Wilford stepped over the threshold, his eyes flickering over me. I felt myself flush. I had been told to remain by Dark's side, with one part of me touching him at all times. Whether that was by holding his arm while walking, or resting a hand on his thigh while sitting, he didn't care - I just had to remain in physical contact with him while Wilford was here. 

"How are you?"

"Less of the pleasantries." Wilford shot Dark a glare. "I'm here for a reason, if I understood your request well." 

"Wilford, please do not make this any more difficult than it has to be." Dark hadn't told me if I was permitted to speak. "I need to do this, otherwise I'll risk losing everything."

"You have what you want. Why are you trying to hurt me like this?" Wilford's demeanor changed a little. He looked at me again, his eyes roaming over my figure-hugging dress. I looked down and stepped a little closer to Dark. He patted my hand on his arm. 

"Not here." 

"Then where?"

"Dark, I will leave you both alone if you wish." I spoke quietly to him. Dark shook his head. 

"No." He turned to me. "You will remain with us. You have your orders. You are to do as you are told." I nodded and looked down, retaining my light grip on his arm. 

"I thought you'd at least treat her like the princess she is," Wilford muttered. "Is that why I'm here? To witness what you stole from me?"

"I STOLE NOTHING!" Dark roared suddenly. I jumped and let out a small yelp. "She was mine from the beginning. I marked her as my own. You were under my orders and you defied me and disobeyed those orders... and now there's something I need you to take." 

"Oh?" Wilford's interest was piqued. He looked at Dark with a glint in his eye. I averted my gaze. 

"Yes. Something which I believe is yours. I wanted to get rid of it a while ago, but I wasn't sure if I could claim it my own... alas, I can no longer entertain the idea." He beckoned for Wilford to follow him. I followed along, walking gracefully as Dark liked me to, my shoes making no sound on the crisp, pristine carpets. We made our way to a small room I'd never been into. It was sparsely furnished, more of a waiting room than any sitting room I'd seen. Photographs and paintings lined the walls of old dignitaries and politicians, presidents, prime ministers, kings and queens... I liked the room, the history behind those pictures. I turned my attention to the small boy sitting on a chair too large for him, a young woman by his side, just behind him. The boy was cute, a slight Asian look to his features, and a crop of pink hair on his head. The boy looked at me with a mixture of hopefulness and happiness. I gave him a small, reassuring smile. Dark sent a chilling ache down my spine. I looked at him, and he'd caught me smiling at the boy. For whatever reason, I wasn't supposed to. I looked down and licked my lips lightly. 

"He's mine?" Wilford asked softly. 

"The hair, Wilford. He's yours." 

"He's truly mine?" I looked at Wilford through my eyelashes. The way he looked at the boy, the mixture of love and wonder in his eyes... it made me melt a little. Dark took my hand and squeezed it tightly. His voice popped into my head. 

Who do you belong to?

I belong to you, Dark. 

Who owns you?

You own me, Dark. 

Who is this child?

I don't know, Dark. 

Is he your child? 

I don't have any children, Dark. I love you, I belong to you, I am yours, and I long to carry your babies.

I looked up at him, and relaxed. His demeanor was one of contentment. I smiled at him, and he returned it. Wilford, in the meantime, stepped forward towards the boy, and kneeled before him on one knee. 

"What is your name?" he asked softly. The boy kicked his legs back and forth. 

"William." He gave Wilford an uneasy smile, and I felt a niggling at the back of my mind. I leaned over to Dark and put my mouth by his ear. 

"I recognise the name William," I said softly. "Is that what Wilford's real name is?" Dark's expression changed to one of hatred. He turned to me and eyed me coldly. 

"Why do you ask?" 

"Just a... a niggle..." I frowned. "I've heard the name somewhere and part of me thinks it's important... but I'm probably just tired." I smiled up at him. "Maybe I dreamed it." I shrugged. Sure, I forgot things from time to time - it happened. Dark didn't seem so content, though. He squeezed my hand again, and I felt a heat spread between my legs, a soft pleasure building up inside me. I had to bite the inside of my mouth to stop the moan. I clung to him, resting my head against his shoulder as I fought against the pleasure. It was all I could do to keep quiet as my climax grew and hit me, making my toes curl. I gripped Dark's shirt and sniffed, looking up at him. Again, his voice popped into my head. 

Good girl for keeping silent. Now, let me finish my business here. Remain silent, and you'll be rewarded. 

Dark pulled away from me and gestured to the chair beneath the window. I sat, crossing my legs at the ankle and smoothing the fabric of my dress over my knees. I placed one hand over the other on my knees and watched quietly as Dark moved to Wilford. 

"How old is he, Dark?" Wilford asked. William was taken by him. I smiled. 

"Five years old." 

"Five years... since..." he made a gesture, but I didn't understand. 

"Yes, Wilford. The time has flown... perhaps that's a conversation we may have in private. I don't wish to undo the work I've done. This is merely a test... but I don't wish to push my luck." Dark shot me a look, and Wilford nodded. "I need to know, Will. Will you take him?" 

"I'll take him," Wilford said softly. Dark turned to me and walked over, extending his hands. 

"Dark?" I said softly, standing to him. I placed my hands into his outstretched ones. 

"I need you to go and dress for dinner, please. We've formal company. Google will join us." I nodded and kissed his knuckles, smiling. He smiled back, and I left the room. It wasn't my place to know what was happening.


A short update, I'm sorry!! The next one will be as long as usual - I'm super busy right now and I haven't had a minute to even think of new ideas! Thanks for sticking with me! <3 I love you! Anoni xx

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