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Dark, the more I submitted to him, became more and more amiable with me. Not only did he dine me like a queen, but he made sure I had everything my heart desired before I'd even asked for it. Jewellery? I had it. Clothing? I had it. A nice car? Mine. Good weather? Yes. A cosy day in because it rained? Yep. Books? Art? Movies? Ice cream? Mine, mine, mine. I wanted, I got. And I didn't even have to open my mouth. 

As the months went by, and Dark grew more and more accustomed to giving me what I wanted, I noticed a change in him that I hadn't seen in a long time. He was becoming more and more like Mark... just as I wanted. I decided to test this theory one evening. Boredom took hold of me, and I didn't really want for much. I'd eaten well, and all the movies I could think of were boring or didn't catch me. I looked across at Dark who sat quietly, watching me. 

"Give me an evening with Wilford... and Google... and I want you to watch..." I grinned at him as his jaw slackened. 


"I'm bored, Dark. What am I to do, hmm? I've had no real excitement, no real... danger..." I stretched out. "What does a girl do with herself when she has everything her heart desires without needing to ask for it?" I stood and moved to him, straddling him. "Hmm?" 

"Your heart ought to be complete," Dark whispered. He seemed tired, the usual glint in his eye gone. "You ought not to ask for me... you ought not to need more..." 

"My heart... yes, that is complete... but my mind..." I kissed him softly, desperate for a reaction. "That's very bored indeed. Empty, almost... let me have some fun, Dark. You can make sure I don't do anything untoward." 

"An evening of intercourse with Wilford and Google is untoward, cara mia." He stroked my cheek. "Besides, the intercourse you had was with fictitious personas... the real Wilford would have shot you in the head afterwards..." 

"I know... but it was at least fun..." 

"Why don't you have me, instead?" 

"Because, Dark, you give me everything... and you know what I want before I even have to ask for it...  I know what you'll do because it's what I ask for... I want something different, I want to be told no and to have to work for something..." I kissed him and bit his lip. "I want to break the rules and be punished for it..." 

"Ahhh... I see..." 

"Because this is really me, isn't it? This isn't me trapped in some weird time loop?"

"No, no, this is real..." He placed his hands on my hips. "What you're asking me to give you breaks the only rules I have." 

"I know... but at least I'm asking..."

"True, true..." he looked me in the eye, as though trying to decide what to do. "But I am tired tonight, my dove. Won't you wait until the morning?" Sure enough, he yawned. He did look tired, the normal fire gone from him. "I can make you sleep now if you'd like..." 

"Dark... is everything okay?" 

"I am perfectly well, darling... I'm just very tired..." he started to close his eyes. "I'll be alright in a coup.... couple... minutes..." he fell lifeless, his hands resting against my hips. I frowned, concerned. 

"Is... is this a game?" I asked softly. "Please... is this a game, Dark? I'm sorry for asking what I asked... it was harmless fun... I wasn't serious, you should know that..." I cupped his cheeks with both my hands. "Dark? Please, I'm sorry..." He still didn't respond. The only sign of life I had was the gentle rise and fall of his chest, but he didn't wake. I stood off him and stretched, fretting. I had no idea what the hell to do. He'd never fallen asleep. He was a demon, for God's sake! He didn't do that kind of thing! He didn't need sleep! But here he was... I bit my lip, worrying the skin until it bled. 

The Dark Mark (Mark/Dark/Wilford/Google x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now