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7am couldn't come quick enough. I'd taken a couple of minutes to use the small sink in my room to wash my face, brush my teeth and have a quick 'sink-shower' while William slept. I was shaken after Wilford's visit, and my sunken, bloodshot eyes told the same story. I hadn't been able to get back to sleep. Then again, who would be able to sleep after a psychotic murderer had just come in and threatened you and your child and partner? 

Nurse Claire had indeed been killed. I'd pretended to be asleep when the police came and discreetly moved her body. God knows what Wilford had done to the CCTV footage - I knew there was a camera aiming directly at reception. I just hoped there wasn't anything that showed him coming into my room. I had no idea how the hell I'd explain it other than 'I was asleep'... but then I'd put the light on... I'd gotten good at lying to people, I guess... and Mark had had to cover up a couple of murders he knew nothing about. Someone had to have killed Amy and whoever's body Google had, right? 

When Mark came through the door, I was so happy to see him looking his usual dishevelled, perfect self. He greeted me with a kiss and a hug, and then made his way to the little cot where William lay quietly. 

"He's still perfect," Mark muttered. "I'd forgotten how perfect he actually is..." he placed the little car seat down and reached into the crib while I pulled out a fresh diaper for William and some wipes too. 

"I'll change him before we go, sorry," I said gently. "Unless you want to?"

"Er..." Mark looked at me, William in the crook of his arm. Not as confident as Wilford, not by any means... I felt my stomach twist as I thought of Wilford, sleeves rolled up, walking around the house with a bottle held to William's lips, sure of his movements... I shook myself out of it sharpish. "Well... I have no idea..." I had to laugh at his fear. He was adorable when he was scared. 

"I'm joking, I'm joking... you can put him in the seat, alright?" I patted the bed for Mark to lay William down. Mark complied, and while I was changing William he began to unbuckle and lengthen the straps on the car seat. 

"Mom's really happy, you know," he said softly, watching me. "She cried when I got home last night. Told me she was proud of me..." 

"I'm proud of you," I said, looking at him with what I hoped was love in my eyes. "I've forced you into something you can't exactly back out of." I smiled. "I wouldn't be surprised if you let Dark handle all of this..." I looked down, then. Tears pricked my eyes. Mark stopped fiddling with his car keys. 

"...what did you just say?" I felt hollow inside. 

"I... I said..." I forced myself to look up at him, my tears starting to fall. "I said I wouldn't be surprised if you let Dark handle this... I've forced you into something you never wanted... we had a year together and I've made everything so much harder for you!" I began to cry properly. Perhaps it was the post-partum hormones griping me, perhaps it was the guilt I felt every single time I saw Mark interact with the child forced on him - I don't know. I felt rotten. 

"Hey... Y/N... look at me," Mark said softly, moving to me. He took my face in his hands and wiped my tears with his thumbs. "I... have honestly never felt happier... and we've a bit to talk about, sure... like how in the hell we're going to get William back to California, or how we're going to stop Dark... but that's all whatever. I love him. I love you. My little family." He kissed my lips, and then my forehead. "And I don't think you understand that I chose to stick by you. I chose to be here with you... I could have walked away from you when you told me, but I chose this." 

"People might say you have to," I said softly. "Because leaving a pregnant woman in the lurch is a dick move."

"Well... that too, but I don't regret him in the slightest... I had a chat with my mom and Thomas last night. Thomas was stoked to be an uncle, finally... and my mom said I'd be as good a dad as mine was." 

The Dark Mark (Mark/Dark/Wilford/Google x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now