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With dinner over, Google sat opposite me for the remainder of the evening until my eyelids began to droop. I yawned deeply, letting my head loll to the side. Google's warm fingertips touched my throat. In the corner, Mark watched, equally as exhausted. 

"You require sleep," Google said softly.

"I do," I yawned again. "Am I allowed to lie down?" Google nodded. 

"Yes. A bed has been prepared for your night here." 

"But... she's not allowed to leave the room. You'll kill her." Mark's voice was raspy from his sleepiness. He sat up, cradling his head. 

"I will terminate the life of Y/N if Y/N leaves this room." He stood and moved to a small door hidden in the woodwork that neither myself nor Mark had noticed. "I am permitted to allow your movement to the annexe next to this room." He opened the door and revealed a bedroom. I looked at Mark. 

"So... Google, you won't kill me if I go in there...?"


"Alright." I was too tired to care at that point. I held my hand out to Mark as I stood. I trusted Google to an extent; he hadn't freaked on us when he found me untied and sat in the armchair; he hadn't grown angry when we'd both demanded more food... he'd been a perfect host. I moved to the door. "Mark, come."


"I want you to sleep with me tonight, please. God knows, I don't think I'll survive it if Dark or Wilford come back."

"...Right." Mark was uncertain, and I understood why. But I'd told the truth. My heart wouldn't take more fear - I wasn't entirely sure I could deal with this level of it, but I was, somehow. I collapsed onto the bed and got comfortable, no need for sheets. Mark lay down beside me, anxious and exhausted. 

"Hold me."  


"Mark, if I'm going to die so one of your demon alter egos can take my body, I think the least you can do is hold me for one night. It's not like I'm going to demand sex or anything." In truth, when Mark had asked me out to lunch the day he'd kidnapped me (or tried to), I'd hoped it'd end in sex. I'd REALLY hoped for that... but evidently I wasn't so lucky. Mark sighed. 

"Yeah... you're right... I know... but you're not going to die, Y/N. I won't let that happen." Mark's voice could have been a dream for all I knew. As soon as his arms were around me, his body pressed against mine, I fell into a deep, dreamless sleep. 


Sunlight trickled through the curtains, the warmth of the room perfect - not too hot, not too cold. I stretched out, feeling every joint in my body click and crack. A pair of arms tightened around me, and for a few blissful moments, I dreamed of Mark and his arms around me, in love with me... my mind gave me our date, which had been perfect... and then, as I woke up fully, it came back to me. The arms tightened around me again and I nestled back down. I had to enjoy what I could of Mark while I had him. After all, he was taking my life. In a twisted way, it was him, if what he'd said about Dark and hospital was all true... A pair of lips touched my neck, and I shivered happily, taking the hands which moved to my breasts and kissed them. 

"Good morning," I whispered; even though I couldn't see Google, I didn't want to take the risk that he was lying there, or that he was just outside the door... 

"Good morning, darling." 

I froze. I opened my eyes properly and blinked. Sat in a chair opposite the bed, Mark. Bound and gagged, he couldn't move. I couldn't move, either. I couldn't process it. Mark couldn't say a word. In the half-light, it looked like he'd been beaten again; it certainly wasn't hot enough for him to sweat, and sweat wasn't so dark... he had a gash on his head, his hair was matted to his forehead, and no doubt there'd be a black eye too. His body shook, presumably from the pain in his ribs. 

The Dark Mark (Mark/Dark/Wilford/Google x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now