We miss you - Chapter 1

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*1 year later* roughly

Dianne's PoV
What a year this has been, my baby boy is almost 3 and my little girl is nearly 1. I just wish Joe would be here to celebrate this with me. He's been so busy recently, all he does is work, work, work. It's almost like he doesn't have 2 kids under the age of 4. Of course I understand he has to work to earn money for us but I haven't danced in about 4 years because of the kids. At the start he was amazing but I didn't have enough energy to dance and now I want to and I want to start work again but he is always away - he's even missing our daughters first birthday, he missed Alex's first proper sentence, he missed Addison crawling for the first time. Then walking. He's missing everything, all because of work.

Recently we haven't been together much and he's being quite distant on the phone, I presume he's just busy but It still makes me wonder if he has found someone else, someone who doesn't 'burden' him with 2 kids, I know he doesn't believe that but its like he never wants to be at home. Maybe it's just me?

Alex and Addison get on lovely and Alex is already so protective of her, even if we go to the park and there's a small boy near us he stands guard. It is quite cute. At the moment I was making Alex his lunch and then about to feed Addi but my phone started ringing, it was Joe.
"Hey Joe!" I called cheerfully.
"Hey babe. How's the kids?"
"They're alright. How are you?"
"Stressed. I think I'm coming home tonight by the way"
"Oh really! Yay!"
"You been missing me Di?"
"Honestly, like crazy!" He laughed towards me.
"I've missed you too Di. I'm really sorry I haven't been around much recently. I really love you and am so thankful you have stuck by me through everything. We need to talk when I'm home. I've got a surprise"
"Aww babe. What is it?!"
"You will have to wait and see" he laughed. I rolled my eyes but laughed with him.
"Hurry home Joseph. I need you with me. I don't want our kids growing up not seeing their father as often as their mum"
"I know Di. But it's my job. I have to do it!" He said seriously.
"Oh yes Joe I didn't mean anything by it I just miss you and the kids do too"
"I know, sorry. I'm just so stressed. I love you I'll see you soon"
"See you" I waved towards him. I ended the call and started feeding Addi. Suddenly I got a text from a person I hadn't seen in years, it was very unexpected.

Bit of a change up from the previous story. I hope you liked the first chapter of book #2. I'm writing loads right now so it should be updated quite a bit for the first few weeks. Thank you xx

Also thank you JoanneSuggwell2729 for the title idea! Xx

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