Disney Themed Day - Chapter 8

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Joes PoV
I woke up really early today. After eating the curry last night we all basically went straight to bed. I decided to get up and start the plan for surprising Dianne with our little family holiday. I went to Addisons room to check on her, she was asleep most of the day yesterday and if she was younger then I wouldn't question it but she is nearly 1 and is normally so lively. Just like her mum. I walked into her room to find her standing up in her cot, she saw me and started crying. I rushed over to her and held her close to my body. I know she is teething still but it didn't feel like that was why she was crying. I decided to take her temperature and it was a little bit high but not much so I just gave her some of her medicine. I put her back in her cot and made my way to Alex's room. He was awake and playing with his toys on the floor. I saw his Mickey mouse teddy on the side so I picked it up and walked over to him.
"Morning Al. Can you do something for me?" He nodded his head and looked at me. I passed him the teddy.
"Can you go and get into my bed with mummy and give her this" I said pointing to the teddy. He smiled at me and then nodded. "Also don't let her get up until I come and get you okay?"
"Okay daddy. Why?"
"I'm going to tell mummy about the surprise so I need you to distract her"
"Good boy. Go on then go give mummy a cuddle". He ran out of his room and I made my way downstairs to get everything ready. I had some Disney themed decorations so I hung them up and then brought a whole bunch of Disney films to the sofa. I also brought loads of blankets, some with Disney characters on them, and then went into the kitchen to prepare breakfast. I decided on pancakes because everyone in this house likes pancakes and then when they were ready I went upstairs to get Addison changed. Luckily she had a cute baby grow that had snow white on it and all the dwarfs names on the back. I also got Alex's comfy clothes that also had Disney characters on them. But his were Hercules, I know that Dianne has Ariel pyjamas so I was going to get them out for her as well.

I walked into my room to find Dianne reading a Disney themed book to Alex. Perfect! I thought. I went over to the dresser and grabbed Dianne's Ariel pyjamas and then picked Alex up so I could get him changed.
"Joseph. Where did you go?"
"No where" I smiled leaning down to kiss her. "Alex do you want to go and see your sister please"
"Okay daddy"
"Joe what are you up to? You're wearing Disney clothes and so is Alex now"
"Thought we could have a theme for our movie day"
"Wait so you aren't at work today?"
"Of course not. I want to spend time with my beautiful wife and wonderful children"
"Aw Joe! I love you so much" Dianne said walking over to me and pulling me into the tightest hug.
"Come on get these on yourself and then come downstairs. I've got the kids"

Short chapter. Just talking about the setting up of the surprise. Next chapter will be the revealing of the surprise. Hope you enjoyed this xx

Forever Yours - JoanneWhere stories live. Discover now