End of the trip - Chapter 17

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Joes PoV
"Dianne?" I spoke softly. She was still sleeping and we had to leave fore the airport soon. Out of kindness I let her stay asleep as she didn't actually wake up with morning sickness this morning. Our last day here was yesterday and it was incredible we bought all the kids some stuffed toys and some cool Mickey mouse hoodies so they could be matching. Even one for the new baby when they're born.
Dianne's eyes flickered open. "Come on babe. We have to go soon"
"Uh huh" she tried pulling me down to the bed with her but I just laughed and picked her up.
"Come on you, we need to strip the bed and go". She exaggerated getting up and walking to the bathroom without even kissing me good morning. I stripped the bed and got all the cases stacked near the door and got Alex's and Addisons shoes on along with their new hoodies. Of course Dianne had to get a new the little mermaid jacket so i laid that out on the bed for her.

She soon came out and hugged me.
"Thanks Joseph. I'm less tired now but sorry for being all groggy and not giving you a morning kiss". She pouted her lips and i moved in closer to kiss her and luckily we weren't interrupted with the usual 'ewwww'.
"Thats alright Di. But we do have to go, like now! You can sleep in the airport"
"I'm going to miss it here Joe. Thank you for bringing us all here"
"No problem I just hope you enjoyed your family being here"
"Well my parents side of the family because I'm always with my family". She placed her hand on her stomach and leaned in to kiss me again. It was just a small peck but it was impeccable.
"I love you Dianne Sugg"
"I love you also Joseph Sugg"
"Alright. Lets go!" I shouted. Alex wanted to act all cute and pulled his hand up to attention as to say he was ready to leave. It had been a wonderful holiday and only more to come in the future but right now i wanted to get home and relax in my own home before we have the baby in 6 months, ish, all the others were early.

We got to the airport in no time and was able to explore the stores. Dianne along with our 2 children found a disney store so of course I was dragged into that and made to buy more little mermaid things.
"We literally just came out of Disney land and now were here again" I stated. Dianne rolled her eyes and paid for all her things, with my card!

We got onto the plane and Alex immediately fell asleep on my arm and Addison was sat on my lap. Dianne was also asleep laid on my other arm. We got many looks as if they were saying. 'Aw you're a cute family' I thought it was cute as well and I ended up falling asleep along with them.

Hi guys. I know its been a while and I'm so sorryyyy. I haven't had the time or energy into writing and I haven't even been able to watch YouTube either recently. I'm so sorry and i know this is a pretty crap chapter. I feel as if my writing style has changed let me know. But i have a feeling I could be ending my books soon. I just don't have much time and i don't want to keep letting you down or writing crap chapters. Sorry

Forever Yours - JoanneWhere stories live. Discover now