First Day Back - Chapter 5

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A few weeks later

Dianne's PoV
Me and Joe have been absolutely fine these last few weeks. He's managed to work from home nearly everyday and some of his meetings have been here as well or just on a Skype call or something, I can really see that he wants to make it up to me and wants me to go on strictly again, speaking of which my first rehearsal is today and I'm so excited, excited to dance, excited to see everyone as well.

I woke up today to find Joe was downstairs on the phone. I heard some of his conversation so when he ended the call I asked him.
"Who was that?"
"Oh Gary" he replied.
"Whats as in the producer of strictly?"
"Why was you calling him?"
"I had to make sure you had a couple weeks off next week but you're not needed anyway so it's fine" I was confused. Why would I need 2 weeks off. Oh wait. Joes going away again. My expression must have changed because he picked up on it.
"Di I'm not leaving you 3 again. I have a surprise for you and the kids and it's also Addisons birthday, I've decided that I'm not missing that. My little princess is not going to not see her father on her first birthday. I promise"
"Aw thank you Joseph, but then why do I need 2 weeks off?"
"Well, that's for me to know and you to find out" he replied. I moaned but then kissed him before rushing upstairs to get ready for my day training.

Joes PoV
Dianne ran upstairs to get ready so I headed to my office to print off the tickets for Disney Land. I decided that as a whole family treat and as part of Addi's birthday I would take them to Disney Land. The first week will just be us four but then the second week I'm having the whole of our families fly out. Truth is I also want to tell Dianne on this holiday that I want to cut back on work and have another child, it's completely up to her and I understand she is only just starting to dance again, but I'm in yes rush. I just want another mini me or mini Di running around. I want they way I ask her to be special so when she is gone Zoe is going to come round and help me plan, whilst also playing with the kids, I really have missed them.

Hey guys. Hope you're enjoying this. Quick question? Do you want them to have another child? And what gender? I'm thinking of them having another child with special needs or something as it isn't in any other fanfic I have ever read. They might not do. It is just an idea and I wouldn't make it severe if you didn't want it. I would just love to spread awareness about it. What do you think? Xx

Forever Yours - JoanneWhere stories live. Discover now