We're going to Disney! - Chapter 9

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Dianne's PoV
I walked downstairs to find my two beautiful children eating pancakes and my lovely husband greeting me with a cup of coffee in my Ariel mug. What is he up to? I walked in to the living room to find loads of Alex's old decorations up that were all Disney themed. Then as I approached the sofa I saw a bunch of Disney films lined up.
"I thought we could each pick a film to watch first and then if we have any spare time just go through them"
"Proper family time then?"
"Yes of course darling"
"Joe. Why is it all Disney themed?"
"Well 2 reasons"
"Which are?"
"Well we have 2 children under the age of 4 who will want to watch these films"
"And the other reason?"
"Can't say at the moment"
"You will love it okay. Now you pick a film. Addison pointed to snow white and Alex wanted Toy story. I tried to tell him it wasn't Disney but he refused anyway. But actually the surprise for you is fine because Toy story. Well yeah" he laughed. What the hell is he on about?
"Well, obviously we're watching Ariel. What do you want to watch?"
"Isn't it obvious?"
"Right. Moulin Rouge?"
"Yep. And you best watch out for me singing!" He exclaimed.
"Right" I laughed. "What are watching first then. I'll set it up"
"Oh no need. You go get some pancakes and then we can watch"
"Thanks for the offer Joe but I'm not really liking pancakes at the moment. I keep having weird cravings and the thought of pancakes makes me sick". He looked worried.
"Should we get you checked out Di? That's not normally like you?"
"Nah I'll be fine. Maybe I'm pregnant" I joked. He looked really awkward. "Joe it was a joke. If I was pregnant I would tell you and anyway. Why would I get pregnant now, when I'm finally dancing again?"
"Yeah. Um. I guess. You sit down. I'll go get the kids"
"Uh. Alright?" He walked off and gave me a small smile. Had I said something wrong?

Joes PoV
When she joked about being pregnant my heart skipped a beat but then when she said she didn't want to be because she was finally dancing again I felt so guilty. I just got up and went to get the kids. I put them on the sofa in between me and Di which she gave me a strange look for because usually she would be with me and the kids either side of us but I didn't want to make her feel awkward with my awkward state.

We were half way through Snow White and I noticed that both Addison and Alex had fallen asleep so I put them both on the bean bag so they could be more comfortable. But I still sat at the opposite end of the sofa to Dianne. She noticed something was off with me because she turned the film off and looked at me.
"Joe have I done something wrong?"
"What? No?"
"Why did you answer that like it was a question. What's up?"
"Nothing. I'm fine"
"Well I'm not because the love of my life is completely ignoring me and sat at the opposite end of the sofa to me"
"Sorry" I said ashamed of myself and quietly.
"Jospeh. What's up?"
"Nothing I promise. Just a bit tired, that's all"
"Right. Okay so when do I find out my surprise?"
"I need Alex to wake up" I replied a little bit more happier.
"Wait does Alex know?"
"Right. Al. Time to wake up baby" she shook him awake.
"I'm impatient. And he should wake up anyway. He won't want to sleep tonight"
"Mummy?" Alex said sleepily.
"Yeah. Wake up baby boy"
"Al. Do you want to go and get mummy's surprise?" I asked him. He knew where to go because I told him just before Dianne came downstairs. He went running out of the room and came running back in within seconds.
"Open it mummy!"

Dianne's PoV
I opened the present to find a small baby grow saying we're off to Disney Land!
"Omg Joe!" I screamed and climbed onto his lap. Kissing him continuously.
"Ewwwww!!!" We both laughed.
"Joseph. Why?"
"I told you I want to spend more time with my family so we're going there for 2 weeks"
"Yayyyy" Alex screamed. "Daddy is taking me to Disney!!!"
"Calm down Bud"
"Alexander Colton Sugg! What did you just say to daddy?"
"No?" He said shyly
"Yes. Don't tell your daddy no or we will not being to Disney"
"Okay. Sorry mummy. Sorry daddy"
"It's fine bud. But don't do it again or you will have to sit on the naughty step"
"Okay daddy. I wont" he started to cry. Joe instantly felt bad as did I.
"Hey. What you crying for? You're okay" I cooed.
"But you told me off so you don't like me anymore"
"Aww buddy we love you okay. Come on I think you're getting a bit tired. How about we go to bed early? And then tomorrow we can pack for Disney?" Joe said calmly. Alex started nodding his head and ran upstairs. Joe picked Addi up and turned to me. I threw my arms around his neck and kissed him gently.
"Joseph. I really love you"
"I love you too. Let me put these to bed and then we can go to bed" he winked.
"Sorry. But I've missed you recently" he moaned.
"I've missed you too. Be quick" I winked.

Quite a long chapter. What do you think? Do you like this book? Also ask me any questions about anything. Would be happy to answer!

Forever Yours - JoanneWhere stories live. Discover now