Who the hell is Liam?! - Chapter 3

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Joes PoV
I was on my way home, the uber was taking so long. All the traffic holding me up from my family. Recently we haven't seen each other much, I miss Dianne and I miss our kids. I want to stay with them all the time but I know that I can't always work from home. I do have a surprise for Di though. She thinks I'm not going to be there for Addisons first birthday, but why in the world would I miss my daughters first birthday. I already missed her crawling and walking, I can't miss anymore. I want to start staying at home more with Di, I can tell she misses me and I miss her so much.

Finally the Uber got me home. I thanked the driver and made my way inside the building. I couldn't wait for the lift so I just ran all the way up to my floor and outside my apartment. I braced myself then slowly opened the door.
"Daddy!!!!" I heard Alex scream. I could hear Dianne muttering to herself.
"Di?" I called picking Alex up.
"You are just as excited as your 3 year old you know?"
"He's nearly 3. Not yet"
"Oh whatever. Come here" I put Alex down and pulled Dianne into a passionate kiss. Soon enough we were disturbed by Addison walking up to me and wrapping her arms around my leg.
"Dada!" Me and Di looked at each other in shock.
"Omg Di! Did you hear that?"
"I did!" She screamed in excitement. I picked Addi up.
"You're such a clever girl baby. I love you". Dianne pulled me into a hug with Alex in her other arm. Our family was finally back together again.

"Di. Where are you going?" I asked as she stood up and heading out of the door.
"Somebody's got to make dinner" she said sarcastically.
"Oh Di. Please. I just got home, I want to cook for my family. You sit down" she nodded her head as I walked into the kitchen. I knew what I wanted to make but I needed a recipe. It was then that I realised my phone ran out of battery. I saw Dianne's phone on the side so I just thought I could use that instead. I picked the phone up with the intention of searching a recipe but when I opened her phone it opened to messages from a Liam. Anger was boiling up inside me as I read the texts he was sending her. She didn't reply to them. Only 1 telling him to leave her alone but still. Who the fuck is this guy?! 'Babe I miss you. Come see me?' What the hell? How could she do this to me. I know I've been busy recently but I didn't think of her as a cheat. I thought we loved each other. I thought I best give her a chance to explain so I called her in.
"Di, can you come here please?" She came walking through with a smile on her face. It soon dropped when she saw my face.
"What's up Joseph?"
"Who the fuck is Liam and why the hell is he messaging you, calling you babe and telling you he loved you?" I couldn't hold it in my anger was let out. I was furious but I wanted to hear what she had to say for herself.

Hi guys. I really hope you're enjoying this book. It is a bit different. I wanted a bit more drama but it won't be too much. Please leave a comment on what you want to see or what you like. Sorry for making them fight but it's all part of the storyline that I want to do. The next few chapters will have more to do with the kids as well. Also would you like Alex's PoV? Or just stick to Joes or Dianne's? Xx

Just gonna upload a few chapters to get the story going so here you go. Another one. I've written loads already btw!

Sorry for the bad language!

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