I Want Another Baby Di - Chapter 15

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Boy or girl? Read at the end please

Joes PoV
"Di. I have a surprise for you. Can you go open the door it's outside". Dianne's parents were stood outside and then my parents were on the balcony with the kids. I snuck them in earlier.
"Omg!" I heard Dianne scream before she came jumping into my arms.
"Do you like your surprise?"
"I love it. I love you. Thank you so much"
"Babe. Go look at the kids they're on the balcony"
"Joe. You left our kids on the balcony by them selves?! Are you mad?" She said walking over there before she opened the door and turned towards me. "Oh. Sorry for yelling" she turned back to my parents and gave them a hug.
"Everyone else is downstairs"
"What are they all doing here?"
"Well I have a surprise for you but I needed their help"
"Come on kids lets go see your auntie and uncles and then we can go on the rides again". Dianne looked happy. So happy. I hope it stayed like that.

Dianne's PoV
As Joe took the kids down to see Zoe and my brothers me and my mum as well as Tracey stayed here. I had to see if I was pregnant so I asked them.
"Guys. I need your help. I think I'm pregnant"
"What? Omg Dianne! Does Joe know?"
"No! And you can't tell him. He will be so annoyed that it was a mistake again. I can't bear to live without him"
"Di don't be silly Joe would never leave you" Tracey reassured me. "Now come on I have a pregnancy test here"
"Why do you have a pregnancy test?" I asked.
"Just in case anything like this happens with either you or Zoe"
"Wow. Very prepared"
"I know. Now come on". I took the test in the bathroom and waited for the results. I sat their thinking yet again that Joe would leave me. I keep telling myself he wont and then that he will. I waited a couple of minutes before walking out. I gave it straight to mum and looked away.
"Dot. You're, you're pregnant"
"Dot. It will be okay but you need to tell him today. I mean it. Today. You have to tell him, when the time is right"
"When will I know if the time is right?"
"You will know but do it when it's just you two or you're getting a photo or something"
"Right? Come on lets just go"

*skip to outside the castle*

"Hey Joe, Dianne. Do you want a picture in front of the castle?" Zoe asked. Well it's now or never.
"Yeah sure come on Joe"
"Di listen. I have something to tell you. Well ask you actually"
"Uh huh?"
"There's a reason I got everyone to come. They're here for support and Di I just want to ask"
"Stop! I have something to tell you and I don't know how you are going to react"
"Okay we say it at the same time?"
"Sure. 3, 2, 1!"
"Di I want another baby"
"Joe I'm pregnant". We said at the same time. Wait what?!
"Joe you want another baby?"
"Are you serious. You're pregnant" I nodded slowly and looked down. He lifted me up and spun me around.
"I thought you didn't want another baby Di? That's why I was so scared to ask"
"Joe I lied because I thought you didn't want another one"
"Of course I do Di"
"I think we need to start being more honest with each other" I laughed.
"Yeah. We do". He pulled me into him and kissed me slowly and passionately. I'm guessing Zoe took a few pictures. Joe pulled away and whispered in my ear.
"We're going out tonight. Zoe's got the kids for the night and the bedroom is all to ourselves. I was planning on making a baby but we already did" he said placing a warm protective hand on my stomach. "So we can just have some fun" he winked. I laughed slightly and snuggled closer to him. He took this really better than I thought.

So this is important. Baby number 3 on the way. Do you want a boy or girl? And do you think it's too weird to have all 3 kids with A at the start. I thought it would be cute but not sure. Let me know. I have a name for a boy and a girl already so let me know! Xx

Forever Yours - JoanneWhere stories live. Discover now