Liams Text - Chapter 2

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Dianne's PoV
Liam? Why the hell has he messaged me? How has he found me on social media? I blocked him as soon as I got semi famous? Liam is my ex ex boyfriend. Before Joe, way before Joe. I looked at the message and it said, 'hey babe. Missed you, would love to catch up.' What the fuck? Has he gone mad, I broke up with him like 10 years ago? Why the hell would he text me now. I decided to just leave it on read, I knew it was probably the worst thing to do because when we were together he hated it but. Nevermind, I'm with Joe. I'm married to Joe, we have 2 beautiful, wonderful, amazing children. Although I probably should tell Joe about it just incase.

I quickly finished up feeding Addison and then I went upstairs to put her down for a nap, she finally fell asleep after the 3rd book, I then went downstairs to see what Alex was doing. He was messing around with Joes camera.
"Aw Alex baby can you put that down please. Daddy won't be hapoy if it is broken" he simply nodded his head and handed it to me.
"Mummy, where is daddy?"
"I don't know baby, but he will be home soon I promise"
"Okay, can I play with my toys please?"
"Of course. And well done for being polite, you are going to be such a good boy at nursery". He smiled up at me and I ruffled his hair before he ran to his toys. I decided to give the house a clean before Joe got home, I turned some music on but not too loud so I could still hear and watch over Alex and Addison. I started with the kitchen and every so often I would hear the ting of my phone, I chose to ignore whoever it was until after I had finished otherwise I would have gotten distracted.

Soon enough I had finished cleaning the whole house. I checked my phone and found 20 missed messages from Liam, most of them demanding I answer but some saying he still loved me and he wanted me back. I simply text him back saying 'it's been 10 years, get over it and leave me alone. Do me a favour and block my account. Or just remove me. I'm happily married with children so stop messaging me!" I slammed my phone down and then went to check on Addison, she was stood up in her cot so I went to pick her up.
"Your daddy is going to be so proud that you can walk now baby". She looked up and smiled at me before raising her arms wanting to be lifted. I rested her on my hip and went downstairs to watch a film with my 2 children. There was an advert about the strictly pro tour that came on during one of the breaks. Oh how I wish I could dance again?

Hope you're enjoying the sequel. Theres going to be more drama in this boom but I'm still going to make it as realistic as possible I promise. Thank you for the support already. Love you all xx

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