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Hi Guys!
Long time no see. Or read I should say 😂
Anywayyy. I am currently changing my username on here and starting to write my own book! I don't know how well it will go but just gotta jump in and risk it right?
Anyway it's kind of inspired by my life, kind of, it has certain aspects of my life in it and i have some great ideas for it!

The Title isn't certain yet but let me summarise for you.

A young girl is finally ready to step out into the big wide world leaving her past 10 years behind and focusing on her future. Can she do it at ease? Will there be problems? Absolutely!
She's had a hard life and is only now realising that even the darkest days can be brightened, especially when she meets someone who could potentially be her one and only!

So I'm thinking that the title should be something like. There will be brighter days? Or something like that.

I would really appreciate all of the support from every single one of you and I understand if you are not interested I wont take it personally.

Thanks for your time
Ellie! Xxx

Forever Yours - JoanneWhere stories live. Discover now