We Arrived - Chapter 13

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Dianne's PoV
After a stressful flight we finally landed and made our way to Disney Land. Alex was so hyper and Addison was so tired she could barely keep her eyes open. Poor baby. Joe was holding on to my hand while pushing the pushchair with his other hand and then in my other arm was Alex. I didn't want to ware him out already so I just carried him. When we got to the room I flopped onto the bed and then Joe came and put the kids down for a nap, then cane the dreaded conversation.
"Hey Di why are you being so distant from me?"
"I'm not"
"Dianne you know you are. What's going on? We didn't have to come if you didn't want to you know I just thought you could use a break from non-stop dancing. And we needed a family holiday that the kids would enjoy"
"Yeah I know. I'm just not feeling to good and I don't want you to get ill" I lied.
"Ah babe come on. You know I'll always look after you when you're ill. In sickness and in health remember?"  I smiled and he pulled me into a gentle kiss. "There now you're all better" he grinned but just as he said that I had the urge to throw up. I guess jet lag can cause late morning sickness? If I'm even pregnant.

After we all had a nap and Joe comforted me for being 'ill' we decided to grab some food. Joe kindly offered to get both the kids ready but I insisted that I helped him which he didn't complain about.

When we got to the small restaurant there was a small collection of Disney toys that Addison immediately spotted. Me and Joe decided to look at the menu, order and then take her over there because she's too young to do it herself even if Alex was there. We all chose to have burgers and then we went to play with the toys it was so much fun and it almost made me forget about the maybe pregnancy, almost. Still, in the back of my mind I hated myself for getting pregnant by accident again and I knew Joe would hate me as well. We may be married and all but in a marriage we have to be completely honest and that I haven't been. I feel terrible for not telling him yet but I need to be alone with him to tell him. I think I'm going to wait until after this holiday to talk. We need to have fun before the next storm comes.

Sorry it's so short and crap. I'll try and get another one out tonight as I wrote it at work. Sorry if it's really bad. Also if you watch Love Island. Comment or message me! A lot is happening and it's exciting. This may be an unpopular opinion but I feel bad for Curtis in ways. And slightly for Any as well but she's not giving him a chance to explain himself properly and then she's stirring it up with all the other girls. Let me know what you think? Message me xx

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