I Just wanted to be like Daddy - Chapter 10

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Joes PoV
I woke up this morning after the best night. Well it turned out to be the best night but what Di said about children had me doubtful of this whole trip. Anyway I woke up to find Dianne sat on the floor in our wardrobe going through loads of clothes.
"Oh hey Joe. Um don't actually know when we're leaving so I thought I should start packing". I looked at the clock and saw it was 6 am.
"Di, we're leaving in a few days but you didn't have to get up at 6am to pack"
"I know. It wasn't my choice I woke up and felt like I needed to be sick and now I feel really rubbish but this has to be done". I got out of bed and walked over to her, pulling some boxers on as I went.
"Di why didn't you wake me if you were sick?"
"I didn't want to worry you"
"Okay. Come here. Let's go back to bed for a bit and then I will pack everyones cases as its my treat"
"Thanks Joey. Sorry I woke you so early"
"Hey it wasn't you. I just couldn't feel your warmth with me. Come on get back into bed and I'll set an alarm"
"Okay". She climbed into bed and I set an alarm for 9 and then got back into bed with her. She instantly snuggled into my side.
"So why do you think you were sick?"
"I'm not sure". I nodded and fell asleep again.

Dianne's PoV
Little did Joe know that I had a feeling I knew why I had been sick. I had been sick quite a few times whilst he was away and I've also had really weird cravings. Come to think of it I should be due on my period soon so I guess if that doesn't come we will know. But he will hate me. He won't want another kid. I said I didn't because of dance, truth is I would love another child. But now Joe might not have a choice in the matter, unless he leaves me.

I woke up to the sound of a beeping alarm and rolled over to turn it off, accidentally waking Joe up because I rolled on top of him without realising, guess I've been used to having the whole bed recently. I jumped up and grabbed my suit case along with the kids. I set them at the end of the bed and told Joe to get to it cheekily. He laughed and then told me to spend the day with the kids.
"But Joe you said you and Alex could pack today?"
"Alright. Well feed him and then send him upstairs to me?"
"Okay. What do you want for breakfast?"
"Anything is fine thanks babe"
I walked off to Alex's room.
"Hey buddy. You awake?" I asked gently. He jumped out of his bug boy bed and gave me the fright of my life.
"Alexander Colton Sugg!" He just laughed at me. I heard Joe come running.
"What happened?"
"Your son is learning from your prank videos. I think we should ban him from watching your videos or at least some of them"
"He just scared the sh... hell out of me"
"Aw you are your fathers son aren't you"
"I know I know. Don't reward him. Don't worry once he's had food and he's helping me pack I will talk to him. I promise". He kissed me on the forehead before kneeling down to Alex.
"Al. Can you apologise to mummy please? Then have some breakfast? Then you can help me with packing for Disney?"
"Okay. Sorry Mummy. I wanted to be like daddy"
"It's okay buddy. Go on, go downstairs". I looked to Joe as he watched Alex run off downstairs.
"Don't worry I'll talk to him Di"
"You better! Although it's quite cute he wants to be like you. At least he will be a funny but nice gentleman when he's older"
"Exactly. Now run a long" he laughed. I walked to Addi's room and picked her up before taking her downstairs.

Sorry its been a while since the last update. Just been trying to catch up with family and I've also had my new born niece round a few times so sorry. Anyway hope you liked the chapter and also. Please reply, what do you think #projectjoanne is? I actually have no idea! Either comment or send me a dm xx

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