Ive got you - Chapte 4

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Joes PoV
"Listen Joe. It isn't what you think. He was my old boyfriend, before I met you. When I got semi famous I made sure to block him on everything so he couldn't harass me. I left him because he was going to use me and cheat on me. I don't know how he managed to contact me but I told him that I didn't want to speak to him. Please, please don't leave me. I haven't done anything". I still had so much anger in my body that I had to ket out.
"I'm going to kill him!"
"Yes Joe. I don't want you going to prison"
"Well I won't actually kill him but if he messages you 1 more time. Tell me and I will personally go to where he lives and well. I won't say that because there is you g ears listening"
"Joe Whats with all the sudden anger? You are never like this"
"Honestly, I don't know. I think I'm just tired and I love you. I don't want anything to happen to you so people harassing you makes me angry. I guess I'm just being protective"
"Well. I love protective Joe. Remember when you had to drag me out of the sea because it was so windy?" I laughed thinking of the time.
"Of course. I didn't want you to fall over"
"You know, I don't know if this is just because I've missed you but when you're angry you are very fit and sexy" she grinned. I laughed to myself.
"Well thanks Di. I mean you always are fit and definitely sexy so I'm not complaining". She laughed.
"Thanks babe. You know it feels like ever since Addi was born all we have done is either work, be parents or fall out. I don't want us to fall out Joe. I want to be yours forever"
"You will be mine forever. I promise. I'm never going to leave you. Truth is. I'm scared you will leave me. I haven't been the most affectionate person at the moment. I'm so busy with work and I feel like I've ignored you. You don't deserve that"
"It's fine Joe. I would never leave you. I love you too much"
"I love you too". I pulled her into me and kissed her gently. She decided to deepen the kiss but I pulled away. "Hey? How about to about you how much I love you. I take the kids for a day or 2 and you can do what ever you want and I will pay"
"Really babe?"
"Yeah of course"
"That means I can finally dance again. Even if it is only for a few hours"
"Wait Di? You want to dance again?"
"Kind of"
"Have strictly asked you back yet?"
"Actually, Yes they have"
"Say yes. Ive got the kids. You deserve it. And you love it. Please do it. For me". She looked hesitant at first but then relaxed.
"Okay. Thank you so much Joseph!"
"No problem"

Not sure I like this chapter to be honest. Feel like its boring. I actually feel like this whole new book is boring. Should I carry on? Give me please! I beg!

Forever Yours - JoanneWhere stories live. Discover now