I Want to see my Children Grow up - Chapter 7

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Dianne's PoV
After a long and hard day dancing I was relieved to come home and find my lovely husband singing away whilst cooking dinner. I chose the opportunity to scare him so I snuck up behind him and wrapped my arms around him. He jumped out of his skin.
"Dianne! Oh my god you scared the hell out of me!" He screamed. I just laughed and then looked over his shoulder.
"What you cooking?"
"My curry"
"Ah you know what I've been craving that recently". I've had quite a few cravings recently. Some weird and some just because I love them.
"Alex chose what we should have"
"Did he? Where is he?"
"Yeah and he's in his room playing and probably watching some old videos again and then Addison was asleep so she could just be standing in her cot"
"Alright. I'm going to go say hello to them then"
"Um wait Di. You're forgetting something". I was confused but then he turned around and I saw his face and his lips.
"Oh sorry". I leant up to him and kissed him gently. I went to pull away but he decided to pull me back and deepen the kiss. I pulled away smiling before running upstairs to see my beautiful kids. I went to Alex first. As soon as he saw me he ran over to me, leaving his video playing.
"Hey baby. How's your day been?"
"Good Mummy. I missed you"
"Aw I missed you too. Did you have a good day with daddy though?"
"Yeah we saw Auntie Zoe!"
"Um, uh yeah kind of"
"Okay bud. You go play with your toys while I go check on your sister"
"Okay mummy". He ran off and left me wondering. Why was Zoe here. And why did she not stay to say hello. I ignored it for now and went to see my daughter. To my surprise she was asleep still so I just kissed her forehead and left, gently closing the door behind me.
"Joe?" I called walking into the kitchen.
"Yeah babe?"
"Was Zoe here today?"
"What? No why?"
"Alex said he saw her?"
"Oh yeah we was watching a lot of old videos in the living room most of the day. I came back from feeding Addi to find him watching some of our old videos. A few of them had Zo in them"
"Ah okay then. Anyway how has your day been?"
"Pretty chilled. Addison has been asleep most of the day"
"Really? She was still asleep just now?"
"Oh. Well she's either really tired or really ill!" Joe looked panicked.
"Joe don't worry she will show some symptoms soon enough if she is ill. Anyway come sit down for a bit". He nodded his head and we made our way to the sofa. I sat cuddled into him and he started playing with my hair.
"So how was training then?"
"Hard! And tiring! I forgot how tiring it actually is. But it was good I loved it!"
"I'm glad. Actually Di. I've been meaning to talk to you"
"Yeah. I think I'm going to stop working so much now. I want to make all my videos still but with all the meetings I think I will let Caspar deal with most of them unless they are really important. I don't want to miss my kids growing up. This morning Alex just shoved me away and said he didn't want me and he wanted you and it made me feel so bad but he apologised. I realised it should be me apologising. I haven't been here recently and I miss all 3 of you". I sat up and stared into his eyes.
"Joe, you can't give up what you love for the sake of us! You can still do the meeting but maybe just do it over Skype calls or something. I don't want you missing out on your dream job or our children's lives. You need to have both. Just like with me and dance"
"Also I wouldn't take Alex to heart. He is just used to the routine of me being there in the morning"
"I know that's why I don't want to keep working. I love my job, I do. But my family is more important to me"
"Joe. I'm too tired to think about this. I just want to eat and then go to bed. I think tomorrow I'm going to want a movie day with the 3 most important people in my life. We will talk about this at another time"
"Alright Di". He got up and started walking away. It seemed like he was frustrated with me or something.
"Where are you going Joe?"
"To dish up dinner" he sighed. I got up and followed him. As soon as I could I embraced him in a hug.
"I'm sorry Joe. I'm listening to you, I am but we need to make this decision together. It wouldn't just effect you. It would effect all of us". He simply replied with an 'I know' and then breathed into my neck. I pecked his lips and then ran off upstairs to get the kids down for dinner.

Longish chapter again. What do you think of this so far? Do you like it? Hope you do. I'm actually enjoying writing it! Xx

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