Diannes Surprise - Chapter 6

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Joes PoV
After Dianne left I had about an hour to get the kids ready and spend some time with them before Zoe got here. I first woke up Alex and he seemed very grumpy.
"What's up bud?"
"I want mummy!"
"Aw She's at work bud". I tried to get his clothes on but he pushed me away.
"No I don't want you! I want mummy!" He started crying. Wow. My son hates me.
"Okay okay. Come on Al. Lets get you some food and then we can ring mummy". He nodded his head and then ran away from me. I really regret not being in their lives more often. He hates me. My own flesh and blood hates me. I followed him downstairs and made him some food before leaving him on the sofa watching tv while I got Addi's food ready. Once it was ready I brought her down and spoon fed her before taking her over to the sofa as well. Alex was sat on YouTube watching some of my videos, laughing away.
"You're funny Daddy"
"Aw thanks bud" I laughed. He got up off the sofa and came and sat on my lap.
"I'm sorry daddy. I didn't mean to scream at you. I just miss mummy"
"I know. I do as well. Can you keep a secret though bud?"  He nodded his head with excitement.
"You can't tell mummy, but. We're going on holiday next week. Is that okay?"
"Yeah, yeah! Where are we going?"
"I can't tell you yet but you have to be a big boy and remember not to tell mummy okay?"
"Okay daddy. I promise". He wrapped his arms around my neck and clung onto me. The doorbell went so I got up to answer it but I heard Addison say my name and then start crying.
"Dada!" She cried. I went over and picked her up. I bounced her up and down.
"What's up baby girl?" I asked her. I looked in her mouth and saw that some more teeth were coming through. "Ah! Um. Hold on one second Addi. Let me just let auntie Zoe in". I walked to the door and opened it.
"Hey Joseph. Aw hey Addi. What's up?"
"More teeth coming through. Alex is in the living room I'm just going to get her something for the pain". I pointed Zoe into the direction of Alex and then closed the door.
"Okay Joe. Alex? Where are you?" I heard Zoe call. I also heard her scream so rushed into her.
"What happened?"
"Your son! He is definitely yours. He just jumped out at me and scared me". I laughed at my sisters expression. I put Addison down as she was falling asleep.
"Aw well done Al. You are your fathers son aren't you. But now you say sorry to auntie Zoe". He nodded and went up to her.
"Sorry auntie Zoe. I've been watching daddy's pranks" he giggled.
"Thats okay Alex. Come here, I want a cuddle".
"Right Al. Do you want to go and watch some more YouTube or play with your toys please. Me and Zoe need to talk about something".
"Okay daddy" he ran off to his toys and started playing with his trucks.
"So? How do you want to do it then Joe?"
"Well I was thinking, during the second week you could suggest everyone goes for a walk around near the castle and then I'll have a talk with her about me cutting back on work and then that discussion in front of the castle or something"
"That sounds like a brilliant plan, do you want me and Alfie to take the kids?"
"I mean yes please"
"That's fine. What happens of she says yes?"
"Well then I feel like I need to take her on a date or something and discuss when and like all those details"
"So I'm guessing you want us to take the kids again?"
"You could but I could also ask Mark and Rina to take them as they hardly get to see them"
"Great idea. Um, what are you doing about Addisons birthday?"
"Um I think I will let Dianne decide what we do for that when we get there"
"Cool. Oh um how are you telling her that you are going to Disney?"
"I'm not sure yet actually"
"How about you give her clues like get Alex's Mickey mouse teddy and place it on your bed then in the morning have Disney themed breakfast and maybe a Disney movie day and then when she finally asks why everything is Disney you tell her?"
"That is a brilliant idea Zoe! Thank you so much". We stayed talking and playing with the kids for a few hours until it was an hour before Dianne got home. I didn't want her to know that Zoe was here because she might think I just needed help with the kids or something. Alex was upstairs playing in his room. Addison was having her nap and I was about to get up and start cooking dinner.
"Alex? Can you come here please?" I called. I heard the small footsteps running from his room. He ran all the way to me and then jumped into my arms. He gave me a cheeky smile.
"Yes daddy?"
"Right. If mummy asks you what you did today. Don't tell her that Zoe was here okay?"
"Because it will ruin her surprise. Remember the one I told you about?"
"Oh yeah"
"Okay so if she asks what you did all day what do you say?"
"That I watched your old videos and played with my toys?" He questioned.
"Good boy. Now before you go. What do you want for dinner?"
"Ummm spaghetti!"
"Okay you can have spaghetti but mummy doesn't like spaghetti does she?"
"Oh!" He looked up to say that he was thinking. "What about curry?"
"Sounds great bud. Go on then off you go. Love you"
"Love you too daddy". He ran off leaving me stood alone in the kitchen. I started to prepare my famous curry.

Longer chapter. Hope you liked it. I'm hoping that the Disney Land ones are even longer but who knows. Hope you're enjoying this book. Thank you for all the support and don't forget to recommend this story and the previous book to friend that would maybe like it? Xx

Also I started looking through the last book today and omg the amount of words that are spelt wrong because of my fat fingers on the keyboard. I'm so sorry! Xx
Also thank you for nearly 1K!

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