Joe I Want to Cut back - Chapter 16

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Joes PoV
Last night was incredible. The best night of my life. And to make it even better I have another child on the way. And Dianne wants it, how can life possibly get better?

This morning Zoe offered to take both kids around Disney land and meet the rest of the characters for the whole day leaving me and Di to do whatever we liked. I woke up quite early this morning and for some reason Dianne wasn't in bed with me. Then I heard it, without thinking I ran straight to the bathroom and held Dianne's hair back.
"Well at least now I know you're not ill and it's our little baby doing this to you". I laughed slightly. She finished and wiped her mouth while I tied her hair back so I didn't have to hold it. I had gotten used to tying her hair up every time she was sick and now I must say I'm quite good at it.
"Thanks Joey" she turned around and looked at me with a glint in her eye.
"What?"  I looked down and realised I was completely naked. "Oh. Sorry babe. I forgot to put clothes on. I just can straight to you"
"Why are you sorry. I love seeing your body. It just reminds me how lucky I am". She gave me a seductive look.
"Dianne what are you thinking?"
"Did Zoe say she had the kids all day?" She asked completely looking me up and down.
"Yeah. Come on Di. You've just been sick, jump in the shower"
"Only if you join me"
"What? We've done it before"
"I know. But you're never like this"
"I know. But I just realised after our third child has been conceived I just cant get enough of you" she laughed slightly. I just nodded to her and hopped in the shower.

After our shower we decided to just order some food in and snuggle on the bed. Dianne seemed quite sleepy so I put on a film and drew circles on her stomach which I knew would send her to sleep.
"Joe why are you trying to make me sleep?"
"Because you seem tired babe"
"No. Not really more run down. This baby is going to take the wind out of me. I feel like I'm hardly going to be able to dance and I just started again"
"I'm sorry beautiful"
"For getting you pregnant again. I know you love dance and I know you miss it"
"Well actually when I was there the other day the only thing I could think of was the kids and the fact I could miss them doing their first things. I would never forgive myself" she says while sitting up.
"So what are you saying then?"
"Well you're cutting back on your work a bit to be with the kids, so why can't I do the same?"
"I know this is bad but what about money Di? We are going to have 3 children now. And Alex is turning 5 soon so he will be wanting more things"
"I know. It will be hard but I love my kids more than anything, even dance. I eventually came round to your decision and I get that we have to both agree but I think we will be fine with money. I could even follow in my brothers footsteps and start a dance studio. With a mummy and me thing or something. So they can be with me when you have meetings that you need to be at. Please just think about it?"
"I will baby. Just go to sleep okay. I know you don't feel it but you are tired"
"I know. Okay"
"I love you gorgeous"
"Love you too handsome"

Not sure what to think about this chapter. I feel like this whole book is going to crap. What do you think? Should I carry on or leave it. But if you want me to carry on please suggest some ideas. Even if you think they are rubbish I will take anything on board and they probably aren't. Please by Tuesday next week, I need to start writing a lot of chapters then, please just leave a comment or dm me for any suggestions then I will give you a shoutout and any of your books that you want me to recommend if you have written any. Please otherwise I think this book may end 😕 xx

Forever Yours - JoanneWhere stories live. Discover now