Addison's Birthday - Chapter 14

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Dianne's PoV
We've been at Disney for nearly a week and we must have ridden all the rides the kids can about a million times. Today is my baby girls first birthday though and as she can't really go on the rides for her birthday we have arranged for the parade to wish her a happy and birthday. And unlike most times we are actually going to see the whole parade because we are also getting on a float with Ariel as it is her favourite Disney characters. Well we think she always points to the little mermaid when we ask her what she wants to watch. Plus she likes me red hair, a lot. I hope this will be a special first birthday for her as even though she won't remember it she can look back on the photos and see how loved she is. I want her to be able to see that we were a happy family together once and then I got knocked up again and her daddy got angry. I don't want him to get angry and it obviously doesn't seem like him but for some reason I keep thinking he will end our marriage or something when he finds out. I don't know. It could be hormones playing a game with my head but I just don't want him to resent me or the baby inside of me. Or be disappointed in me it would break my heart.

Joes PoV
We had just gotten ready for going on the float when Dianne ran into the toilet throwing up and then started to cry. I felt terrible for her. I knew she never liked being ill. I just wish it wasn't the flu or something. I wished it could be her pregnant but that wouldn't be true because she's on the pill and has been for a while. The only way it would make sense is if she forgot to take her tablets for a few days and then she could be pregnant but she told me she didn't want another child yet so she wouldn't have just forgotten and surely if she completely stopped taking the pill she would have told me. Marriage is about honesty after all.

I ran into the bathroom after her and held her close to my body for her to cry.
"Sorry Joe. Come on lets get to the floats. It's Addisons birthday I don't want to miss it. I'm okay"
"Babe. You can miss the float if you want to or don't feel up to it"
"No! I'm not missing my baby girls first birthday. I wanted this for her so I'm going now help me get up and wash my face"
"Woah okay calm down babe. You can come if you want I was just putting your best interests in front of anything else"
"Okay. Sorry for snapping I didn't mean to. It's just a really emotional day"
"I know. Come on"

We stood on the float waving to all the people and they sung happy birthday to Addison for us and it was all perfect. But now. Part 2 was about to happen for this holiday. Both of our families are on their way and I'm starting to plan how to ask Di. I hope this goes well and maybe if not, our families being here might soften the fall down.

Going to start probably posting once or twice a week from now on. Hope thats alright. Also comment any ideas you want to see xx

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