The airport, am I? - Chapter 11

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Dianne's PoV
Its now time to fly to Florida. We're going for 2 weeks and whilst we're away its Addisons birthday, Joe said I could choose what we do for it as we won't have family with us but at least we will have eacb other. Addison is started to speak a bit more. Small words keep coming out of her mouth and its so cute.

We arrived at the airport at around 7am. Alex was excited about the trip but was quite annoyed at how early it is. He is definitely bis father. Joe is just checking our bags in whilst I'm waiting with the kids. We were allowed to wait at the side because of having two young children. Once we made it through all security checks we sat down in a small cafe and got some cake for breakfast, I know. Not healthy but at the moment we need something that will help us, well the kids sleep on the plane. It might sound odd but cake helps them sleep. They don't get hyper after cake at all they just start feeling really tired and on a 7 hour flight we want them to sleep as much as they can.

Joes PoV
The day has come. All the tickets for our families coming next week have been booked and all the hotel rooms have been too. Dianne has no idea what is going to happen and to be honest after our chat the other night I'm not sure what is going to happen either. She's been quite ill recently, but she wanted to come still, although she's sick in the morning and then in the afternoon she is perfectly fine. She couldn't be pregnant could she? Wow. Maybe.

Dianne's PoV
Joe just dragged us into boots to get some of the small shampoo things because he's weird and really likes buying them. I was just wandering around when I saw all the tampon boxes. It triggered something in my head, I haven't had my period yet. I was meant to have it last week. That along with the sickness. Only in the mornings, occasionally at night. Oh god. I quickly and sneakily bought a test and told Joe I was going to the toilet. If I am. There is no way I can tell Joe. I secretly want this but he thinks I don't and I know he doesn't. I can't tell him at all. He would be so angry.

I'm so sorry its been so long. And I'm really sorry if this is rubbish. I'm not using excuses but I have been on bed rest all weekend and I completely forgot I said I would upload a chapter. I'm really sorry. The last week has been kind of difficult. I've had to transform my life completely and I haven't had time to write. I'm so sorry

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