Living Alone in a School Full of People

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[Vashen: Oh boy, I'm at it again, posting for the second time today. I can't help it, I'm in a writing mood.] 


You stood up to leave, before realizing that your scroll wasn't on you. You searched your pockets, to come up with nothing.

Y/N: "Hey, uh, Professor?" You look at Ozpin, who had resumed sipping his coffee. You wondered if he had just taught himself to mimic a sipping sound. "Do you know where my Scroll is? I seem to have misplaced it." 

Ozpin puts his hand in his pocket and takes out your Scroll, handing it to you. You don't bother asking how he got it, or why he had it. 

Y/N: "Ah, thanks." Ozpin gives you a small nod as you turn and leave.

[TimeskipTM brought to you by Chibi Ozpin sipping an empty cup]

You look at your scroll, following the directions to your dorm. You got there after getting lost a few times. You open the door with your scroll, and walk in. It was a normal room, with a bed, a desk, and your belongings already on the floor in front of said bed. You yawn, realizing you were tired, and that you could feel again. You smacked your arm, which you felt. 

Y/N: "Looks like it finally wore off..." You took off your jacket and tossed it onto the bed, before closing the door to your dorm. 

You started unpacking as you heard a knock on the door. You walked over and opened it to be greeted by a Ruby Rose. 

Ruby: "Heya, Y/N! Is this your dorm?" She looked around, curious, before realizing it was basically her dorm. 

Y/N: "Yeah. I just started unpacking."

You walked back over to your luggage, letting Ruby wander in, and opened it, taking out some clothes, a game console, and a few necessities. You tossed everything where it needed to go, as Ruby looked around your room, still some how curious.

Y/N: "Alright, what's up?" You walked back into the room and plopped onto the bed.

Ruby: "Ah, nothing much, I just wanted to see where you were staying." As she spoke, you fixed up your clothes, giving her a chance to look at you longingly without you noticing.

Y/N: "Oh, well, in that case, I guess you found me." You smiled and pat her head, which made her smile brightly.

Ruby: "We're actually just a few doors down!" You froze. You were hoping they were farther away, so if you did end up dead, you could slink back without anyone noticing.

Y/N: "A-Ah, well, that's good. We can hang out!" You grinned at her, and she smiled, before realizing something.

Ruby: "AH! I HAVE TO UNPACK!" She quickly turns and runs out. "I'llseeyoulaterY/N!" You chuckle and close the door behind her. You turn, looking at the time and yawn before checking your neck for a pulse. You exhaled as you felt one.

Y/N: 'Looks like my body's done restoring itself. I should probably get some sleep though..'

You flop onto your bed and promptly pass out.


Ruby: "Aaaand... there!" 

Ruby steps back, along with her three teammates to see the bunk beds they had made. Blake and Yang's were made by putting books between the legs of the bed, while Ruby strung hers up with a rope.

Weiss: "How are they even staying up..?"

Blake: "They don't look very s--" She was cut off by a girl hopping onto her bed and giggling.

Ruby: "Yaaaay! We have bunk beds! Now we just need cookies!" 

The other three chuckled, before finishing up with unpacking their stuff. 

Ruby: 'I wonder what Y/N is up to...'  Ruby looks at the time, and decide that you're probably asleep. 

Yang: "Soooo... Ruby." Ruby looks over at Yang, feeling a weird question coming up.

Ruby: "Uh.. yes, Yang?" Yang looked smug, and Ruby got red knowing what she was gonna ask.

Yang: "Do you.. maybe like anyone here?"

Ruby: "PFFF-- Me like someone? I have no idea what you're talking about Yang! Weelllll, I have to go and uh.. get some cookies! I'llseeyoulaterbye!" Ruby dashed out, leaving a trail of rose petals in her wake.

Yang: "Heh. Called it." 'She totally likes Y/N. At least she has a good taste in dudes. I don't wanna compete with her though..' 

Weiss: "Called what?" Yang snaps out of her thoughts, slightly red. 

Yang: "O-Oh, nothing." Yang grins before walking off, thinking of ways to tease Ruby.

Blake: "Is it just me, or is this concerning?" 

Weiss: "It's concerning."


Ruby: 'That was close! I think I was able to avoid her question pretty well though.' She chuckles to herself slyly, thinking Yang forgot her question entirely.

Jaune: "Oh hey Ruby!" 

Ruby: "WHAAAA!!!" Ruby jumps, almost as red as her cloak.

Jaune: "...Uhm.. are you okay?" Ruby glares at him, her blush slightly fading.

Ruby: "YOU NEARLY KILLED ME!" Jaune jumps at her sudden outburst.

Jaune: "S-Sorry! I didnt mean to scare you! Wait... what are you even doing down here, Ruby? Shouldn't you be unpacking?"

Ruby: "Oh, I was looking for some cookies." She saw the cookie jar from the corner of her eye and quietly slid over, picked it up, and slid back out. "You never saw me."

Jaune: "Uh.. okay?"

Ruby quickly tiptoes away, taking her treasure.

Jaune: "....Huh. I wonder if that cloak is new." He walks off to bed.

[TimeskipTM brought to you by Chibi Yang and Chibi Ruby thinking about Chibi Y/N]


You yawn and look at the time. 7:45. You groan and roll out of bed, get dressed, eat breakfast, and brush your teeth, then play some video games. You yawn again, and check the time, realizing it was 8:54. 

Y/N: 'CRAP! I'm late!'  You run out of your room as Team RWBY and Team JNPR do, all of you running to class. 

You make it to Port's class and find a seat, exhausted. You look below you to see Team RWBY sitting directly under you. Ruby looked up.

Ruby: "Oh, you have this class too, Y/N?" Yang looked up at the mention of your name.

Y/N: "Yeah. I'm surprised you do too though." 

Yang: "It is kind of lucky we all have the same class." You shudder at the mention of luck, as Prof Port clears his throat.

[TimeskipTM brought to you by not wanting to write out the entirety of Port's long dumb speech.]

Prof Port: "So, who among you believe yourself to be the embodiment of these traits?" Weiss raised her hand.

Weiss: "I do sir!" You snort.

Prof Port: "Well then, let's find out. Step forward, and face your opponent." He motions toward a cage that you could've sworn wasn't there 3 seconds ago. 

After a while, Weiss has changed into her combat clothes, and stood with her weapon at the ready.

Yang: "Goooo, Weiss!"

Blake: "Fight well!"

Ruby: "Yeah! Represent Teeeam RWBY!" 

Weiss glared at her.

Weiss: "Ruby! I'm trying to focus!" Ruby shrunk away a bit, a little hurt. 

Ruby: "Oh. Sorry." 

Prof Port: "Let the match.. Begin!" The professor took his axe and chopped the lock off of it, revealing a Boar-Like Grimm. 

The Grimm charges at her, to which Weiss responds to by dodging out of it's way and swinging, only to be met by the fact it has armor. 

Prof Port: "Oh ho! Wasn't expecting that, now were we?" 

Ruby: "Hang in there Weiss!" 

Weiss looks at Ruby from the corner of her eye, before focusing back on the Grimm. It charged at her again, to which she responded to by charging at it herself. It headbutt her, getting her rapier stuck in between it's tusks. 

Prof Port: "Oh! Interesting approach!"

Ruby: "Come on Weiss! Show it who's boss!" 

Weiss looked irritated as her weapon was wrung from her hands and flung to the other side of the room. 

Prof Port: "What will you do now, without your weapon?"

Weiss dodged out of the way again, before running and picking up her rapier. 

Ruby: "Weiss, go for it's belly! There's no arm--" Weiss glared at her

Weiss: "STOP TELLING ME WHAT TO DO!" Ruby sunk, disheartened.

The Grimm charged again, and Weiss stopped it with one of her Glyphs, before using another to jump at the Grimm and stab it's stomach. There was a round of applause as Weiss stood up, exhausted. 

Prof Port: "Bravo! Bravo! It appears we have a true huntress in training! Well, that is all the time we have for today. Remember to read over the passages, and stay vigilant."

Weiss stomped off, as Ruby got up and left too, looking down. 

Y/N: '...What the hell just happened?'  

[Vashen: Aw snap, another chapter done! I'm feeling good about myself! And this one was long too! I'm on fire today! Well, anyway, I hope this chapter was any good. I'm good at writing stuff, but I dunno how I'm doing with making the characters actually like Y/N. Leave some suggestions for the harem and such in the comments if you have any!]

Dying Isn't as Easy as it Sounds (RWBY Harem X Male Reader) [DISCONTINUED]Where stories live. Discover now