Unfair Advantages

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[Vashen: Whoa! 100 reads! Jeez! Thats a whole lotta reading for my crappy story fanfic thing. I'm always really happy to see that people read my stuff, even if I think it's trash. Btw, I'm writing this kind of late, so expect another short chapter. I'll try to make a longer one as soon as I can.] 


Ruby was sitting in her usual class, waiting for Y/N to show up. They had seats next to each other, and she was hoping for the chance to oogle at his weapon, and to be this close to him without her sister bothering her. She sighed, and looked at her scythe, picking up her tools. 

Ruby: 'I'm sure he's probably fine.' She smiles to her self a bit, feeling a bit better. As she thought this, you rushed into the class, sliding to a stop. You were wearing new clothes, thankfully.

Ruby: 'Hey, he's here!'  She waved to you excitedly. You smiled and jogged over, plopping into your seat. 

Y/N: "Did I miss anything?" You set your stuff down as she made a 'ehhh' face. 

Ruby: "Not really, we were just lectured about safety and all of that stuff. Where have you been?" You started sweating, trying to think of an excuse. 

Y/N: "U-Uhm.. I was helping a friend out with some work!" Ruby shrugged.

Ruby: "Oh, okay. Just try to get to class on time. It's really important to be on time for a hunter." She said this with her arms crossed, trying to look mature. You cough. 

Y/N: "Says the one who's always late, even though she has super speed." You mutter. Ruby flinches, red.

Ruby: "Hey! I heard that!" You chuckle a bit.

Y/N: "Are you okay, Ruby? You sound like Weiss." Ruby gets red and starts freaking out. 

Ruby: "Y-Y-Yes! I'm fine! I guess Weiss was just... rubbing off on me!" She laughs nervously and scratches her head, as you raise an eyebrow. You shrug and unfold your weapon, setting it on the desk and and take out. She turned to look at her own weapon, thinking to herself.

Ruby: 'I just want you to see me as mature...' She looked back at you as you dissembled your weapon. 

Y/N: "Oh! Here Ruby, I have something for you." You dug into your pocket and grabbed a bag, handing it to her. She took it, curious. 

Ruby: "What's in here, Y/N?" 

Y/N: "Cookies." You smiled as you saw her expression brighten. She looked at you, beaming. She gave you a hug, which made you freeze in dread. 

Ruby: "Thanks, Y/N!" She backed up and pocketed the bag, somehow not noticing you had a hole behind the shirt you had on. 

Y/N: "S-Sure... no problem..." You scratched the back of your head. 

You both got to work on your weapons, drooling over components, chatting, and just having fun.

[TimeskipTM brought to you by a Zombie Chibi Y/N trying to avoid Chibi Ruby's hugs!] 


You both walked through campus, heading to the dorm. You and Ruby were laughing at some joke you had made in the last class. Issac jogged up next to you. 

Issac: "Hey, Y/N! What's up?" He grinned. 

Y/N: "Not much, just walking back to the dorms with Ruby." Ruby waved at him and he waved back. "Ruby, Issac, Issac, Ruby." You said, gesturing to the both of them. They exchanged their greetings. 

Issac: "Are you guys ready for the field trip tomorrow?" Issac looked a bit too excited. 

Ruby: "You bet! Its gonna totally be awesome!" Ruby sounded way too excited.

They both looked at you hopefully. You sigh. 

Y/N: "I guess it'll be nice to get a change of view." They both gave you a deadpan look. You chuckled. "Okay, okay, I'll admit, it's gonna be fun." They grinned. 

Issac: "Well, I need to head off to my own dorm, I'll see you and your girlfriend later!" His comment made Ruby steam, and you blush. He grinned.

Ruby & Y/N: "WE'RE NOT DATING!" He laughed and ran off. 

The two of you walked in awkward silence for a while. 

Y/N: "S-So, what are you looking forward to the most, Ruby?" Ruby jumped a bit, startled by your sudden question. 

Ruby: "Well, I-I was kind of looking forward to the fact we could fight Grimm!" She grinned, looking confidently adorable, and you just chuckled. 

Y/N: "Alright Miss Enthusiastic. You're gonna need sleep for that." She nods and merrily walks next to you, a slight bounce in her step. 

[TimeskipTM brought to you by a Chibi Vashen listening to Reach for the Stars at 12:50 in the morning!] 

You walk out of the bathroom and put your PJ's on, which just consist of baggy sweat pants and a T-Shirt. You checked your torso, which was all closed up. You slapped your arm, but didnt feel anything. 

Y/N: 'My organs are probably still being healed and started.'  

You checked the time and open the door to see Jaune peeking into his room. You walk out of your room and start walking down there.


Jaune peeked into his own dorm, and listened to the conversation between his teammates.

Nora: "Why does Jaune always get back so late?" Nora was hopping up and down on her bed, as Ren was cleaning his pistols.

Ren: "He's been making himself scarce ever since he started fraternizing with Cardin." Nora did a flip and landed on her back, on her bed.

Nora: "We should be getting some rest! We have such a big day tomorrow!" Phyrra just stared out the window. 

Phyrra: "I'm sure our leader knows exactly what he's doing." 

Jaune sighs and closes the door.

???: "Hey Jaune." Jaune jumps and turns around, seeing Ruby in her PJ's.

Ruby: "How's it been going? I havent seen you in a while! Did you lock yourself out again?" 

Jaune: "O-Oh, nope! Got it!" He holds up his scroll.

Ruby: "So.. where have you been lately..?" 

Jaune looks at Ruby and sighs. 

Jaune: "I did something I shouldn't have, and now Cardin has me on a leash, Phyrra wont even talk to me.... I'm starting to think coming to this school was a bad idea." Jaune leans against the door and slides down it in defeat. "I'm a failure..."

???: "Nope." Jaune looks up to see you standing next to Ruby, much to her surprise.

Jaune: "What?" He looks confused.

Ruby: "Nope. You're a leader now Jaune, you can't be a failure." She sits next to him, and you lean against the wall next to him.

Ruby: "You're not a failure, Jaune. You're a leader." 

Jaune: "But.. what if I'm a failure at being a leader..?" 

Ruby: "Mmmmm... Nope." Jaune sighs.

Jaune: "You're not the easiest to talk to about this, huh?" 

Y/N: "Nope." Jaune gives you a deadpan look and you just grin at him.

Y/N: "Jaune, maybe you were a failure when you were a kid." Jaune slumps. "Maybe you were a failure when we met." Jaune slumps more. "But you can't be one now." 

Jaune: "Why not?" 

Ruby: "Because, you're a leader now, Jaune. It's not just about you anymore. You have a team now, we both do. If we fail, we bring them down with us. We have to put our teammates first, and ourselves second." She stood up, while Jaune thinks about what she said. 

Ruby: "Your team deserves a great leader Jaune. And I think that can be you." She opened the door to her room. "Night, guys." She waved and walked in, closing the door behind her.

Y/N: "Well, whaddya think?" Jaune looked at you. 

Jaune: "I dunno... I guess I'll have to think about it.." 

You smile and help him up. 

Y/N: "Well, I should probably hit the hay myself. I'll see you at the field trip, Jaune." He nods. You two fist bump and you walk off, going into your dorm. 

Jaune goes to open the door, but instead gets a notification on his scroll. He opens it.

Cardin (Recording): "Hey, Jaune, I know you're probably busy with that Dust project I gave you, but I need you to get me some Rapier Wasps."

Jaune: "Gah!" 

Cardin (Recording): "And make sure they have reeeally big stingers. It's important." Jaune closes the scroll and groans, before walking off. 

[SWolf: "On the next chapter of Dragon Ball Z, will Vashen ever make more than one girl visibly like Y/N? Or will he keep sucking at it until it's too late? Tune in whenever he updates to find out!"
Vashen: "...I exist, you know."
SWolf: "Yes, I know. That's why I said that. For motivation." Vashen sighs and rubs the bridge of his nose.

Well, I'm glad with what I got done for this chapter, I'd say it came out pretty well. I'm hoping to do some more original things in this, so I'll have to look for some spots to cram them in. Thank you so much for 100 reads, it means a lot! Anyway, I'm gonna go pass out, it's late right now.]

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