An Unlucky Discovery

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[Vashen: I felt like writing, even though I should be asleep, so what the heck, I'll write some more. I'll probably reveal Y/N's Zombie stuff in this episode too, so yay. Sorry for the sucky intro, I'm really tired. Anyway, on with the story.]


You sat by the window in the cafeteria as Nora laughed.

Nora: "I'm queen of the castle, I'm queen of the castle!" They had somehow stacked all of the tables on top of each other crudely, making a castle of sorts. Neo was munching on some popcorn and was wearing some red and blue 3D glasses that you only assumed she kept on her for 'Sarcastic Villian Moments'.

Ruby: "Justice will be swift! Justice will be painful!" She crushed a carton of milk in her hand. "It will be.. DELICIOUS!" The rest of her team cried out in agreement as Nora chuckled.

Nora: "Off with their heads!" She hopped off of the table fort as the rest of Team JNPR started throwing melons at the underdogs of this fight, Team RWBY.

Ruby: "Yang, turkey!" Yang ran forward and grabbed two turkeys and used them as gauntlets as she punched the melons out of the air.

Y/N: "Wow, this actually is good movie material." Neo nodded, a handful of popcorn in her mouth.

Yang moved out of the way of another set of melons came crashing into where she was standing, giving Blake the chance to rush forward, two baguettes in her hands. Phyrra met her head on, a baguette of her own in her hand. They stared each other off before. Phyrra broke the stare off, pushing Blake back and swinging at her. Blake flipped over Phyrra and swung downwards, only to have Phyrra sidestep her swing and retaliate with her own, causing Blake to block in an attempt to defend herself. Phyrra and Blake's baguette's snapped in two, and Blake was sent sprawling backwards as she dropped her other baguette, which Phyrra caught and launched at Yang, who slapped it aside, along with another until she got hit square in the stomach and flew backwards. You and Neo were eating popcorn and you both had 3D glasses on as Ruby surfed on the tables with a metal tray, dodging the baguette's Phyrra was throwing She hopped up and deflected one back at her, making Phyrra dive out of the way and quickly get up just in time for Ruby to land on her and backflip off her tray, landing behind Weiss, who used ketchup as one of her Glyphs, causing Ren to slide into a huge pile of table and food, making it go everywhere. You flipped your coin and the tables landed everywhere around you.

Y/N: "Okay, that's enough... EVERYBODY, STOP!" Everyone froze and looked at you. "If I flip my coin and beat you all within the time span it takes for me to catch it, I'll fight 4 of you at the same time later." They all looked at each other and shrugged, diverting their attention to you. You smirked and flipped it, watching everyone stay where they were. You casually kicked an apple next to you, making it ricochet off of Nora's face into everyone else's and they all looked at you confused after they got rid of their dazed state.

Yang: "Uh... Y/N? We're still standing." You caught your coin and grinned.

Y/N: "Yeah, I was just stalling." Prof Glynda bust through the doors, looking at the mess that was made. She fixed the mess before giving everyone a glare.

Prof Glynda: "Children, Please. Do not play with your food." Everyone started giggling before laughing, which ticked Glynda off more. Ozpin put his hand on her shoulder. She sighs. "They're supposed to be the defenders of this world."

Prof Ozpin: "Let them have their fun. They're still just children. It isn't a role they'll have much longer."

You stand up and stretch.

Y/N: "So, does that count as a win?"

Phyrra: "Ehhhh no. But I'll still fight you." She smiled.

Ruby: "Oh, oh! Me too! I almost got you last time!" She looked hyped up.

Weiss: "I'll fight you too. I would like to see if skill beats luck." You scoffed and she glared at you.

Blake: "Same here." You scoff again and Blake rolls her eyes.

Y/N: "Well, looks like I have my 4." You told them where to meet up, and they grinned, telling you they'd be there. You excused yourself and left for class, Neo following closely behind.

[TimeskipTM brought to you by the future!]

You stood in the same place where you and Issac had first fought not long ago. The 4 girls were standing across from you, their weapons at the ready. You took your own out, making it shift into a sword. Your friends were all watching this stand off, everyone waiting for someone to make a move with baited breath.

Issac: "Okay, GO!" 

You sprung into action and the girls did the same. Ruby engaged you, keeping you occupied while the other 3 girls surrounded you. You kicked Ruby off of her feet and caught her Scythe, before chucking it and making her dash after it. You shifted your attention to Phyrra who lunged at you, her spear poised to impale you. You casually knocked it aside and resorted to dodging all of her attacks before crossing blades with her. 

Phyrra: "Well, you're good at dodging, but are you good at swinging?" She smirked as you grinned.

Y/N: "Wasn't I the one who taught you?" You kick out of her legs before kneeing her away.

You dodge to the side as Weiss jumps in now, thrusting at you repeatedly with her rapier. You block faster than she can thrust, until she changes the direction of her blade to cut downwards. It takes you by surprise, and you barely move your leg out of the way, but your pants aren't as lucky, getting a gash in them. You back up and grin.

Y/N: "Whoa, Weiss, I know I look okay naked, but I don't think I'm ready to show off in public." She blushes and lunges at you, but you sidestep and make her run into Phyrra. 

You turn your attention to Blake who takes her blade out, ready. She seems hesitant to engage you and you grin, before feeling your whole being get heavy with despair. Time seems to slow as you look down to see your coin falling towards the floor, probably from the gash in your pants. You start reaching for it, but Blake throws her gun at you, making it tie you up with the long rope on it's end. She pulls you back and you feel ice creep up your legs. You realized your bad luck when you heard the coin hit the ground with a small 'ping'. As it did, you felt something explode through your back and erupt out your chest, and something else go through your stomach and come out your back. Everything was silent and still as you felt blood creep down your chest and from your mouth. 

A distant memory: 'Loosing your lucky charm, is the worst kind of luck!'

Your vision faded to black despite your inner pleas to stay conscious a little longer. At least long enough so that you could tell everyone you'd be alright. But the only thing your body wanted to do, was rest.

[Vashen: We hit 200 views! That's a lot of viewing! I'm glad people see my stuff, it means a lot. I got a bit sick and decided to take a break today, so I didn't release this as soon as I had hoped, but here ya go! It's here, I'm proud of it, and I hope you enjoyed it! Anyway, that's all from me. As always, I'll see you guys in the next chapter!]

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