Confronting a Glacier

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You followed behind them, stopping and listening as Ruby confronted Weiss.

Ruby: "Weiss!"

Weiss: "What?" She turned to look at her, already irritated

Ruby: "What's wrong with yo--"

Weiss: "What's wrong with me!? What's wrong with you!? You're supposed to be a leader, and all you've been so far, is an annoyance!" Ruby scoffs and rolls her eyes

Ruby: "What did I ever do?" Weiss seems to grow even more irritated.

Weiss: "That's exactly it! You've done nothing to earn your position! You were acting like a child in the forest, and you've only continued to do so!" Ruby slumps, hurt

Ruby: "Weiss, where is this coming from...? I thought you believed in working as a team..."

Weiss: "...Not a team lead by you. Honestly? I think Ozpin made a mistake." She turns and walks off, as someone suddenly speaks next to you.

???: "Oh dear. This seems to be quite the predicament." You jump and look at who spoke, to see Ozpin.

Y/N: "Professor Ozpin! Jeez, you nearly gave me a heart attack!" Ozpin sipped his coffee.

Ozpin: "Well, that wouldn't be a problem with your power." He chuckles at his joke, and you gave him a deadpan look.

Y/N: 'I can still feel pain, so I'd rather not.' 

Ozpin: "Why don't you talk to Miss Schnee? I'll talk to Miss Rose."

You nod and pass Ruby without her noticing, walking over to Weiss who was on a balcony staring over Beacon Academy.

Y/N: "Impressive work today, Weiss." She looks at you.

Weiss: "Oh, it's just you." You sweat dropped at her comment.

Y/N: 'Just me? I'm not chopped liver!'  You sigh and smile. "What's bugging you?" You ask, and sit on a bench overlooking Beacon.

Weiss: "It's just... I think I should've been the leader of Team RWBY."

Y/N: "....Wow, you can make jokes?"

Weiss: "I WASN'T JOKING!" She yelled, making you laugh. "Are you mocking me?"

You stopped laughing a bit, before wiping the tears from your eyes.

Y/N: "No, no, I'm just amused." You look at her seriously. "Weiss, the reason you weren't chosen to be a leader, is because you expected it. You expected it, and you thought you deserved it." Weiss looks confused.

Weiss: "That doesn't explain an--" You speak again, interrupting her.

Y/N: "You've lived your whole life, expecting to be given whatever you wanted, because you thought you deserved it. Sure, you've trained, studied, and frankly, you're one of the best at it. But skill isn't what determines who leads. It's the person with the most heart. The most ambition. For the right things.

Weiss: "But--" You kept talking, and Weiss just gave up.

Y/N: "Unlike you, who wants to be recognized for being the best at everything, Ruby wants to save people. She cares for people, and will risk everything if it means saving someone." Weiss thought for a while. "Being leader isn't easy. Their choices will change people's lives, maybe even ruin them. The best thing to do is to provide advice and trust your leader."

Weiss: "...."

Y/N: "If a team can't work together properly... They all die."

There was a long silence, before Weiss looked back over Beacon. You got up and walked over.

Y/N: "All of these people, are fighting for different reasons. To be the best, to be famous, to get rich. They're all pouring their souls into their dreams. But you... You don't know why you're here do you?"

There was a long silence.

Y/N: "You should probably think about that." You turn to walk off.

Weiss: "Wait." You stop. "Why do you want to become a hunter?"

Y/N: "Well, I want to help people. Like Ruby said, the heroes in fairy tales don't exist. No one is going to rescue you at the last minute. No one is going to swoop in and catch you if you fall off of a cliff. But, I can change that. I wanna be like those heroes, and maybe help everyone life a little more comfortably."

You weren't facing Weiss, but you could feel her eyes on the back of your head. You walked back inside.

Y/N: 'So it doesn't happen to anyone else.'

[TimeskipTM brought to you by a Chibi Y/N with a possibly dark past]

You opened your eyes to find yourself in a void. You looked around as doors floated around you. This place feels familiar... You reach out and open a door, a bright light blinding you. When you can see again, you find yourself in a burning village. You freeze as the screams from people dying echo out, you memories edging you on.

Y/N: "No... not here..." You look around frantically before running as fast as you could, only to turn the corner and see something you wished you never had to see again. A girl and a boy, next to each other. You ran up to them, tears streaming down your face as you got to them, looking at the cuts and stab wounds all over their bodies. You look at them and cry in pure pain, as you mourn the loss of your best friends.

Y/N: "...." You grab your friend's rifle, and your other friend's sword as a Nevermore lands behind you, making 'gwah' sounds as if to laugh at you.

You slowly stand up and approach it, the bird laughing more. The view switches to third person as you watch the Nevermore rips you limb from limb over and over until you finally kill it. You had died 43 times that day. The memory ends as you're thrown back into the void, and a bloody and dismembered you looks up at you, and you look at him. He just stares at you, lifelessly, until tears start streaming down his neck. You hug your younger self, even though you know he can't feel it. You knew, because back then, the only thing you could feel.. was pain.

[Vashen: Heya! This chapter is shorter than my last two, but I felt like this was a good place to stop. I gave Y/N a dark past, which basically goes:

After he escaped the facility where he was being tested on, a hunter and huntress adopted him. They were fairly well known, so they were on missions a lot, but they left Y/N with the village. Y/N lived his life comfortably in that village, and made two friends. They became best friends after a while, and one day, Grimm attacked the village. Since Y/N's parents were on a mission, they couldn't defend the village. Y/N had looked for his friends so they could flee together, but when he found them, they were dead. Killed by a Nevermore. Y/N died so many times while killing it that he became a husk for a long time. The weapons that he used to kill it were his friend's weapons, which he took apart and used to make his own.

Welp, that was edgy, but I wanted to give him some motivation to fight against Grimm.]

[On the next chapter of Dragon Ba-- I mean.. Dying isn't as Easy as it Sounds, F/N kicks some ass!]

Dying Isn't as Easy as it Sounds (RWBY Harem X Male Reader) [DISCONTINUED]Where stories live. Discover now