An Unexpected Reaction

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The clearing went quiet as the unspeakable happened. Everyone watched with wide eyes, unable to process what had just happened, as Issac lost his shit internally, trying to think of a way to clear up the situation before it got worse.

Issac: 'Maybe if I say it's his luck semblance? No, that won't work! Luck is luck, not Zombification! Not to mention, if I don't get the stuff out of his corpse, he won't be back for a while, meaning he'll probably be shipped off to some facility.." Issac thought to himself as the four girls you had faught looked at your corpse, horrified.

Phyrra had thrown her spear, which had pierced your back, and Ruby had thrown her scythe, which pierced your chest. Ruby and Phyrra slumped to the ground, speechless, just watching. Weiss and Blake had immobilized you, making them feel like they had helped in some way. Everyone was just.. standing there. Issac started running out towards you, before coming to a halt. He knelt by your side and exhaled, before ripping out Phyrra's spear, which caused him to get coated in blood, and make Ruby shove him aside.

Ruby: "DON'T TOUCH HIM! DON'T HURT HIM ANYMORE!" She had tears streaming down her face as Issac grit his teeth, looking at you, before looking at Ruby. He felt bad. You had been so cocky, and you probably scarred her for life. He muttered an apology to her before shoving her off and trying to yank the scythe out too, before getting pulled back by Neo. 

Issac: "Dammit, I need to take the scythe out!" Neo just dragged him away, not even responding to his pleas to let him do what he had to. She tossed him back to where he was earlier, with the two other guys, Jaune and Ren. Jaune was weeping, and Ren had looked away.

Meanwhile, you were in your void, and you felt your chest ease up a bit. 

Y/N: 'Issac probably took out the spear.. but Ruby's scythe is made partially made of carbon fiber, so I won't be able to melt it away. Ngh, dammit, me and my cocky fucking mouth!'

Issac stood up as Neo watched the three boys, letting the girls grieve. Issac looked at the two other boys. 

Issac: "Ren, Jaune, if we take out that scythe, Y/N will be fine." Ren looked up at him, his eyes distant. 

Ren: "Issac, Y/N is dead. He was impaled by two weapons. How would he be magically fine if we took out that scythe?" Issac looked down at him. 

Issac: "That's something he has to explain, but right now, if we don't get that scythe out, he won't be back for a long time. Hell, he might be in even more danger." Jaune wiped his eyes and stood, sniffling. 

Jaune: "Alright.. I'll help." Ren looked away before standing. 

Ren: "...If this is just a way to desecrate his corpse.." He looked at Issac with a coldness in his eyes. Issac just nodded. 

Neo looked at the three and took out her umbrella, making the three boys take out their own weapons. 

Issac: "The things I get roped into." 

The three dashed towards the body, only to be intercepted by Neo. She swept Jaune off his feet and blocked Ren's counterattack, letting Issac run through thanks to their distraction. Weiss noticed the commotion and looked back, ready to confront Issac. She ran at him and swung, but he blocked it with his shield, which made him skid backwards a bit. He shoved her back before ducking as she swung her blade in an arc, sending a wave of electrical dust at him. He kept running to be confronted by Blake now, who shot at him with her blade in gun form. He deflected all of the bullets and ran past. Issac dived toward the scythe, only to have Yang magically appear and grab him by his shirt, preventing him from doing anything. He writhed around, trying to get to the scythe, before he managed to kick it free. Everyone just looked in silence, somewhat expecting Y/N to get up. Nothing happened after a while, and Yang pulled Issac close, pissed.

Yang: "You said if you got her scythe out, he'd be fine! Explain why he's still..." She faltered, not wanting to say the word dead. She just got even more pissed and raised a fist at Issac, who put his hands up quickly.

Issac: "Okayokayokay! I'll explain!" Yang lowered her fist somewhat, still glaring at him.

Yang: "Well? Get to it!" Issac opened his mouth to start talking, only to get interrupted. 

???: "It's all good Issac, you can tap out now." Everyone looked over, eyes wide, as Issac exhaled. 

Ruby and Phyrra looked up at you, a mix of fear and relief in their faces. You squatted down and smiled at them.

Y/N: "It's okay. It's not your fault." They started crying again, and you hugged them. They held you close as they apologized over and over. You just held them like that for a while, before  standing up. 

Yang: "...You made my sister cry, Y/N. You better have a good explanation." You nodded before explaining your situation. 

[One Long Explanation Later]

It was quiet again, as everyone let what you said sink in. You stood there, expecting the obvious answer. They'd all pretend to think it's cool then avoid you. You scoffed internally. It was probably for the better.

Jaune: "That's.... Awesome! I mean, zombies are usually falling apart and always hungry, but you look pretty good! And you're not all gross and stuff." 

Ren: "Indeed, that is quite interesting." Ren was smiling as he thought to himself.

Y/N: "Wait.. what?" Everyone started talking to each other about zombies, except for the four you had fought with. 

Ruby: "So.... you'll be okay, right Y/N?" You smiled and pat her head. 

Y/N: "I'll be fine. It was a good sneak attack though, you should be proud. Remind me to make you some cookies afterwards." Ruby smiled at this and hugged you, tears of joy streaming down her face. "All of you did really well. I'm sorry for not telling you about... all of this sooner." The other three just smiled, before you hugged them. They all tensed up for a second, but hugged you back, crying tears of joy like Ruby had done. 

And even though your corpse should have been cold, they all felt like it was the warmest hug of their lives. 

[Vashen: Oh my god, I finished it! I've been so unmotivated this week, I dunno why. Anyway, I had to rewrite this a few times, but it finally came out correctly! I hope you all enjoyed, and see you in the next one!]

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