Is Everything Good Now?

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[Reader1: "Alright fellas. We're looking for a lazy author. If you see him, don't hesitate to pull the trigger."

Readers: "Understood!" The squad moves through the dark, looking for their target, before bumping into someone.

Vashen: "Oop, sorry, I wasn't paying att--"

Reader1: "GET 'IM, FELLAS!" They started shooting the author with tons of support, care, and comments.

Vashen: "AHHHHHHkK--"

Reader3: "Did we get 'em?" 

Reader4: "Yeah...We got 'em." 

Reader1: "Good work fellas, mission accomplished."


Heya! I'm alive! I've been dead for a while, but I'm back now as tired and ready to do some typing as I ever was! I'm completely blown away by the support everyone's been showing. It means a lot, and I hope I can keep making stuff people enjoy! Anyway, back to my mess of a story!


After what had happened, you expected everyone to stay away from you. Instead, they all seemed to be... Normal. Well, except for the fact they kept checking you for body heat, bruises, holes, every 30 seconds, Neo climbs into bed with you sometime after you pass out, Ruby would ask you a million questions about your semblance, while freaking out about small cracks on the sidewalk, scared you'll trip and die on one, Phyrra would act like a body guard, acting casual when it's just the two of you and then nearly murdering anyone who gets 10 feet near you in public, Blake would try to keep you away from large crowds all together, and Weiss would be as cold hearted as always unless you seemed slightly sick, had a small pain, coughed, or seemed ill in anyway. 

You walked into your dorm and quickly looked both ways, before shutting the door and exhaling. You snuck over to your bed and reached under it, grabbing a plastic case and pulling it out. You looked at the case cover and grinned, admiring it. It was an old game about super soldiers, space, aliens, and huge circular constructs. You slyly took out your old game console from a hole in the wall under your bed and plugged it in, setting up the cables and the controller, before turning on the console and putting the disk in. The console booted up the disk and you were greeted with a familiar screen and music. This was the second game in the series, and it was your favorite one. You were playing it in secret due to Jaune joking about how games could make people kill each other, not because they were violent, but because some games were just good enough for it. When you had mentioned you had H*lo2, Jaune had ironically said he'd kill for that game, making all the girls instantly go on the hunt for it. Thankfully, you had hid it due to being paranoid, so now you could play it in your free time. As you played through the game, you didn't notice someone was in the bathroom, finishing their shower. As they opened the door, you jumped and paused the game, looking to see what that noise was. Neo was standing in the doorway, wearing nothing but a towel. Her hair was damp, and she seems surprised you were there.

Y/N: "....Oh, sorry! You probably thought I wouldn't be back for a while!" You quickly looked away, Neo still standing in the doorway. 

A silence grew between the two of you, before she walked up behind you and wrapped her arms around you, laying her head on your back.

Y/N: "N-Neo? What ar--" She squeezed you tighter and you sighed. "Alright. But uh, mind putting on some clothes?"

 You could sense a playful smirk spreading on Neo's lips as she let go of you and scooted next to you, sitting in a way that would get any guy riled up. Thankfully, your dense ass was able to ignore it by thinking she was just stretching due to the way she was arching her back.

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