Lucky Break

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[Vashen: I'm back! Sorry I didnt upload in a bit, I'm going through some life stuff, so I wasn't in the best mood. I'm in a better mood now, so I'mma get started on this chapter. Anyway, on with the story!]


You land on your ass, groaning. You hear chuckling and look up, tears in your eyes.

Y/N: "It's not funny, Pops!" The man shuts his mouth, but you can tell he wants to laugh a bit more. You get up and grab your wooden sword, and get in your stance. Your dad doesn't budge, he just smiles.

Pops: "Ready?" He gives you a reassuring grin and you sigh, before gripping your sword.

Y/N: "Yeah. I'm gonna kick your butt!" You run at him and swing, but he simply sidesteps, making you fall forward. You catch yourself before swinging at him again. He just sidesteps again, giving you advice. You start getting frustrated, making you chuck your sword at him. It catches him by surprise, but he manages to move his head out of the way. You seize his distraction and run at him, switching to hand to hand, which you were way better at. You jumped at him and threw a kick at his head, but your dad caught it and tossed you the side. You landed on your face, next to your sword. You grabbed it and ran at him, swing at him furiously. He simply sidestepped all of your attacks, making you get impatient You grabbed your lucky coin and flipped it, but your dad slapped it out of it's flip instantly striking you with bad luck. As you faught, a tree's roots were being eaten away by some fungi. Your dad moved out of the way again as you lunged at him, making you run into the tree. 

Y/N: "Owww..." Your dad laughs as you rubbed your head.

Pops: "You still have a lot to learn, bud." 

???: "Y/N! Lee! Foods ready!" Your dad looked over to the sound of the voice, while you just sat on your butt, rubbing your head.

Lee: "Looks like Chloe finished making food, I'm starving." 

The pain was starting to go away, to be replaced by a headache. You sighed as your dad turned around, a look of horror on his face.

Y/N: "Pops, what's wro--" He interrupted you

Lee: "Y/N! Get away from there!" You looked confused, as you started turning around.

Y/N: "Huh? Wh.." You saw the tree falling towards you, and you groaned, annoyed as the tree crushed and killed you immediately, shooting you back into the void you were so familiar with.

Y/N: "UUUUUGH, GODDAMN TREES! DAMN LUCK!" You had a fit in the void, cussing out all sorts of things with words that were strong for a 10 year old.


Lee ran to the tree and started pushing it off as Chloe walked into the small clearing where they trained.

Chloe: "Boys, I called you! What are you doing down..." She saw Lee trying to desperately push a fallen tree aside, and her eyes went wide when she realized you were no where to be seen. "Oh no." She ran to Lee and helped push the tree to reveal your mangled body. Lee grit his teeth as he fell to the ground, before punching it.

Lee: "Damn it, damn it, DAMN IT!" He kept punching the ground until Chloe held him back, cupping his cheek in her hand.

Chloe: "Hey, hey, calm down..." She was distraught, but was trying her best to comfort her lover. "Tell me what happened." Lee told her, feeling like a dumbass for not being able to save you. (Meanwhile, you were singing the theme to a popular show half heartedly, since you were bored out of your mind.) Chloe gave Lee a hug as he stared at your body. "We should give him a proper send off..." Lee nodded.

Lee: "He didn't even die happy. He died frustrated..." Chloe tried her best to comfort Lee, before helping him pick your body up. As they did, Lee noticed your coin and pocketed it, so he could remember you. They wrapped you in a white sheet before digging a grave for you. They lowered you in and started filling up the grave when you suddenly sat up.


You opened your eyes to white.

Y/N: "What the... What is this...?" You managed to free your hands from the loose sheet before pulling off the sheet. You looked around to see you were in a hole, and half of you was covered with dirt. "Why am I in a hole..?" You looked up to see your adoptive parents staring at you, holding shovels. It was quiet for a while before your mom screamed and hid behind your dad, who was trembling. You sat there confused.

Chloe: "L-L-Lee, o-our son turned into a z-zombie!" Lee looked at you, shaking, before pointing his shovel at you, trying to look tough.

Lee: "I-I don't know w-who's doing this b-but leave h-his body, now!" You just stared in disbelief. It was quiet again before you started laughing.

Y/N: "PFFFF-- HAAAHAHAHAHA! OH MY GOD, THIS IS PRICELESS!" You fell over laughing your ass off. Lee and Chloe got pissed, thinking the person controlling their kid was laughing at them. 

Lee: "I'm serious, bastard! Leave him alone!" You finally stopped laughing, out of breath. 

Y/N: "My parents are scared of zombies! Zombies! Oh man, this is great!" You stood up and looked at them. 'I guess by default, they're scared of me too...'

Chloe: "Wait... Did... They just say 'parents'?" The two of them looked down at you, confused.

Lee: "Who... Who are you really?" You rolled your eyes, somewhat used to this.

Y/N: "Who do I look like, Pops?" He stayed quiet, and you started climbing up the wall of the hole, only for him to knock you down. "Hey! What gives?!"

Lee: "Prove you're really Y/N." You stood up and sighed.

Y/N: "You and Chloe had sex last wee--" Lee and Chloe got red.

Lee: "O-Okay, okay. Uh.. How could you tell?" 

Y/N: "Both of you are loud." Lee and Chloe got redder, before Chloe looked at you.

Chloe: "How do you even know what that is mister? Do I have to check for magazines?" 

Y/N: "No, the people in the facility you found me at talked about everything basically. I got a full lectures on what they thought my 'offspring' would inherit." The two looked at you, surprised. You were pretty mature for a 10 year old.

They helped you out of the pit, and Chloe noticed your face.

Chloe: "Y-Y/N! Your face! It's bruised!" She gestured to most of your face.

Y/N: "It should wear off when I come back to life." They looked confused again and you groaned, before explaining everything about your 'Zombification'.

After that, your parents treated you the same, unless you were undead. If so, they'd be much more careful around you, as if they didn't trust your zombie state. After a while, they came around to it, but it left an impression. 

Zombies are monsters. In turn, so were you.

[Vashen: Well, all finished up with this chapter. To be honest, I was going to upload it earlier, but I was too lazy to. Speaking of which, if uploads suddenly stopp, its probably cuz I'm sitting on my ass or something. Anyway, I'll see ya in the next chapter!]

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