A Court of Problems

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[Vashen: Heya! It's time for an original chapter! I've been thinking of this for a while, but I don't know how long the actual chapter will be, but I hope it'll be intertwining nonetheless]


You sat up as your scroll beeped at you rudely. You groggily sat up as you grabbed it and opened it, to be greeted by a screaming Jaune. 

Jaune (Recording): "Y/N!! WEISS AND YANG ARRESTED RUBY FOR RAIDING THE FRIDGE!" You flinched at the sudden loudness of his voice, your ears hurting. 

Jaune (Recording): "You need to get to their dorm, stat!" You looked at the time it was sent. It wasn't sent too long ago, so they were probably still down there. You got out of bed and walked out, not even bothering to change out of your PJ's. 


Team RWBY and Team JNPR were in the former's dorm, arguing.

Yang: "Ruby, we know it was you. You always get up for a snack."

Weiss: "And we only bought food yesterday!"

Ruby: "B-But I really didn't! I was just trying to grab a cook--"

Weiss: "Stop lying! Your scythe is completely covered in jam!" 

Ruby: "But that doesn't mean I ate everything in the fri-- Hey!" Yang took Ruby by the arm and put her in the closet, much to her sister's protest. 

Yang: "Sorry, Ruby, but you're a danger to our food right now." 

Ruby sighed and sat in the closet as you walked into the dorm.

Y/N: "Okay, why all the noise?" You yawned, somewhat annoyed you were woken up for something this stupid. 

Weiss: "Ruby ate everything in the fridge, and we just went shopping!" 

Yang: "I didn't know she had it in her..." Yang looked betrayed.

You sigh and rub the bridge of your nose. 

Y/N: "Ngh. Yang, stop talking like she murdered someone. Weiss, stop complaining, we can always go buy more."  Weiss glared at you.

Weiss: "No! I'm not buying food for it to be gone literally the next day!" You sigh. 

Y/N: "Then what do you propose we do?" Blake closes her book and looks up.

Blake: "We take it to court." You faceplant as Yang and Weiss agree. Ren and Phyrra sigh and Jaune looks confused.

Y/N: "Seriously?! All you did was accu--" Blake cuts you off, a small smirk on her lips.

Blake: "I mean, we defend Ruby, Ace Attorney." You sigh before smiling.

Y/N: "Fine." The girls grin, and Team JNPR looks confused.

Jaune: "Wait, why did you agree, Y/N?" Phyrra and Ren seem to have the same question.

Y/N: "She wants to defend Ruby in a Ace Attorney setting. Like the game." They all seem to go 'Ooh.' and you just chuckle. 

[TimeskipTM brought to you by Ace Attorney!]

You were standing behind the Defense bench, with Blake by your side. They had somehow concerned the dorm into a makeshift courthouse. 

Weiss: "You have 30 minutes to inspect the crime scene. After that, we'll start. You and Blake nod, before walking into the kitchen. The first thing you spot is cookies scattered all over the floor.

Y/N: "That's already off. If Ruby really did this, there wouldn't have been any cookies here." Blake nods. 

Blake: "She couldn't resist, even if she tried." You nodded, and Blake looked over at the tipped cookie jar, and the jam jar. 

Y/N: "They look kind of similar..." You picked up a shard of glass and compared it to the cookie jar. "Actually.. they're the same jar.." You stood up and looked around.

Blake: "What is it?" You found the stepping stool and pulled it out. 

Y/N: "Well, Ruby's too short to reach the top of the fridge. She'd need a stepping stool, but it doesn't seem like she used one." Blake walked over and nodded.

Blake: "It doesn't look like anyone used the stool in a while, actually.." You nodded.

Y/N: "I think I figured out how to clear her name." You crossed your arms as Blake smiled. 

Blake: "I knew you could." You looked at her and see looked away. You shrugged and walked back to the 'court', Blake behind you.

Y/N: "Alright, let's do this quickly, I'm missing out on nap time." Weiss raised an eyebrow and you sighed, Blake joining you behind the defense bench. "The defense is ready, your honor." Yang grinned from the 'judge's podium' and looked over to Weiss. 

Weiss: "The prosecution is ready, your honor." Yang nodded. 

Yang: "Alright, give your opening thingie or whatever." Weiss sighed before taking out a piece of paper. How the hell they managed to get paperwork thrown into the mix was beyond you.

Weiss: "Well, when me and you woke up, we heard a sound in the kitchen and went to investigate. What we saw was Ruby with her scythe and a smashed jar of jam. Yang went to check on her sister, and I went to get some food, and saw that all of the food from the fridge was missing." She set her paper down and you slammed your fist on the bench, making everyone jump. 


Y/N: "First off, that's ridiculous. She was obviously trying to get her hands on her favorite snack! A cookie." 

Weiss: "How can you be so sure?" 

Y/N: "You keep your cookies over the fridge to make sure Ruby doesnt eat them all, right?" Yang nodded. "Well then the reason she used her scythe was to pull the pot towards her, as I can assume she's done plenty of times! Only this time, she was surprised to find two jars!" 

Weiss: "Objection." Weiss smirked. "How does this prove anything? The reason we're here is to judge if Ruby ate everything or not!" You grin.

Y/N: "Oh, but yes it does. You see, if she was going to eat everything you had, she obviously would've eaten the cookies before she set to work on everything else!" Weiss flinched. "Not to mention, she had just recently gotten up! You really want me to believe that Ruby can eat that fast?" Weiss grit her teeth.

Weiss: "T-There has to be a way!" You crossed your arms and chuckled.

Y/N: "There is." Blake looked at you, confused. 

Blake: "Uhm.. Y/N, we're supposed to be on Ruby's side." You hold up a hand to tell her to let you finish.

Y/N: "Only one person has the stomach to eat an entire fridge worth of food. Can you guess?" Everyone went silent for a second. "Nora." 

They all looked shocked. 

Yang: "B-But the door was locked!" You shook your head. 

Y/N: "You came back early and accidentally left it open, remember Yang? I'm guessing JNPR still hasnt done groceries, so Nora snuck in, ate everything in the fridge, then left. Ruby got the short stick when she was trying to eat some cookies." 

Everyone stared at you, bewildered. You just smirked. 

Y/N: "Well? Are you gonna bring her in here, or just stare?"

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