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Nine days. That's how long it had been since I had been completely sober. And, the days were getting worse.

Depression was not a good look for me. Fake or not, it was like going back in time. No make up and frumpy clothes were a constant I was ready to say goodbye to.

I hadn't been ready to say goodbye to Jeremy, though.

Klaus's latest rampage was sending his hybrids to terrorize Elena and Jeremy. I didn't know all the details, but it ended with Jeremy being compelled to walk in front of a moving vehicle. Alaric had pushed him out of the way, so they were both okay.

But it had made Elena send Jeremy away for his protection. He left for Colorado and I had bawled my eyes out. This time the tears were real.

Jeremy and I had gotten closer since I had returned home from Canada. Since Katie and I had to meet with the rest of the choir during our normal lunch hour two days a week, our schedules had changed a bit and we now ate lunch with the sophomores on those days. Because of that, Katie and I sat with Jeremy every time at lunch. Not only that but, with Elena almost always busy, Jack being gone, and Tyler and I being on secret status, Jeremy and I both had a lot of free time to just hang out together. He had become one of my best friends and we got along so well.

He had dragged me to the grill for a goodbye dinner with Matt the night before. I think I hugged him twenty times.

Matt finally pulled me away from Jeremy and drove me home. I hadn't been driving because Damon had started to take my keys away if he caught me drinking heavily. He said he didn't want me drinking and driving anymore. I didn't blame him after what happened last year.

Numerous times, Matt would tell me I was stronger than this. This meaning me drowning in my fake depression.

Our plan seemed to be working. So, internally I was ecstatic. Tyler had texted me late last night to meet him in the woods at the edge of the Salvatore's property. Damon and Stefan had both been home so I had to be pretty crafty. I was learning that it was hard living with vampires. They heard everything.

But, I had gone and Tyler had told me what had been going on lately on his side. Caroline had pushed him away at first but, when he had called her dad to help him break Klaus's sire bond, he was pretty sure he had her hooked. Her dad had died, so he was leaving town for a little while to put some distance between himself and Klaus to keep working on it. I was thrilled but sad at the same time. It was tough saying goodbye again.

Katie's dad was out of town, so I was making her stay the night with me at the boarding house. Since she knew everything now, I didn't have to keep making excuses as to why she couldn't come over.

Damon had been scarce for the last day or so with the excuse being Stefan issues or Original problems. I didn't ask and he didn't tell.

My phone beeps alerting me that I have a new text message. To my surprise, it's from Danny.

'Thought you'd want to know. Ollie's dead.'

My heart sinks.

'How?' I reply.


'I'm so sorry. If u need nething let me kno'

'Hes cmng bk tlk ltr'

He must have been talking about Jack. I wonder if Danny could be in danger. Before I forget, I call Damon. When he answers, I don't give him time to say anything.

"Damon. I need you to do something for me."

"Everything okay?"

"No. Ollie's dead."

Moon Baby [Tyler Lockwood FF] Book 2 [[ON HOLD]]Where stories live. Discover now